Jntu Kakinada Registration for Audit courses 2015 Regarding. Official notiication released on 19-02-2015 at jntu kakinada official web site (jntuk.edu.in).
Jntu Kakinada Registration for Audit courses 2015
Sub: Audit courses “Research Methodologies & Intellectual Property Rights” – reg.
Ref: (1) UGC Guidelines for Research programme – 2009 dated 1st June, 2009
(2) JNTUK Kakinada guidelines of Ph.D programme for 2012-13 research scholars
The audit courses for the research scholars in the following areas will be held in the month of May, 2015.
- Research methodologies…1st May, 2015 – 15th May, 2015 (Only morning session)
- Intellectual Property rights and Patents…16th May, 2015 – 30th May, 2015 (Only morning session)
The following admitted research scholars / faculty members may please attend the audit courses during the above schedules.
i. Research scholars admitted in 2010-11, who have not attended the audit courses earlier
(No extra fee)
ii. Research scholars admitted in 2012-13, who have not attended the audit courses earlier
(No extra fee)
iii. Research scholars admitted in 2013-14 who have not attended the audit courses earlier
(No extra fee)
iv. Research scholars admitted in 2014-15
v. Interested Faculty members from affiliated institutions, who are not the research scholars on rolls, may also attend the above courses, with a payment of Rs.5,000/-, demand draft to each of the course, in favor of the Registrar, JNT University, Kakinada.
However, all the research scholars / faculty members may please note that no accommodation and boarding arrangements will be provided by JNTUK. They have to make their own arrangements. Further, it may be noted that 75% attendance is mandatory to each of the courses, to issue the necessary certificate.
As per the approval of Standing Council of Academic Senate, and by the direction of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, the research scholars admitted in 2010-11 are advised to attend the two audit courses “Research methodologies & Intellectual Property Rights”, before the actual submission of the thesis, and it is mandatory.
With reference to the JNTUK, Kakinada guidelines of Research programme cited (2) above, research scholars admitted in 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 have to attend the two Audit courses, viz., Research Methodologies & Intellectual Property Rights and patents of duration two weeks to each of the course.
The credit courses for the research scholars admitted in 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 will be conducted during afternoon / evening session by the respective departments. The details of the credit courses and registration for the same will be informed through JNTUK website, in another few days.
Thereby, research scholars, who are interested to register to audit courses in this year, are advised to submit the Registration form to the undersigned so as to reach before 20th March, 2015 to the following address.
Dr. S.Srinivas Kumar
Director (R &D), JNT University, Kakinada
Kakinada – 533 003, Andhra Pradesh