Jntu kakinda B.Tech R10 academic regulations
Jntu kakinda B.Tech R10 academic regulations- Regarding.
Academic Regulations 2010 for B. Tech. (Regular)
(Effective for the students admitted in to I year from the Academic Year 2010-2011 and onwards)
- Award of B.Tech. Degree
A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B. Tech. Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations.
(a) Pursued a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years. However, the student is permitted to write Supplementary examinations for two more years, giving a facility to the student to complete the Degree within 10 academic years.
(b) Registered for 208 credits and secured 200 credits with compulsory subjects: (compulsory subjects are: all Laboratories and Project work, i.e. the student shall pass all laboratory examinations and project work)
- Students, who fail to complete their Four years Course of study within Eight years or fail to acquire the 200 Credits for the award of the degree within ten academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission shall stand cancelled.
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