JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem (R20) 2nd Mid Exam Time Table April 2024

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JNTUK 2-2 2nd Mid Time Table 2024: JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem (R20) 2nd Mid Exam Time Table April 2024, jntu kakinada II year II sem r20 regulation II mid quiz examination time table 2024.

JNTUK 2-2 2nd Mid Time Table 2024

JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem (R20) 2nd Mid Exam Time Table April 2024

Jawaharlal Technological University (JNTUK) has released B.Tech 2-2 Semester R20 Regulation 2nd Mid Exam Time Table April 2024.

  • Mid Exams Starts From: 15-04-2024(Monday)
  • Conclude on: 20-04-2024(Saturday)

(a) For theory subjects, during a semester, there shall be two mid-term examinations. Each mid-term examination consists of (i) one online objective examination (ii) one descriptive examination and (iii) one assignment. The online examination (objective) shall be 10 marks and descriptive examination shall be for 15 marks with a total duration of 1 hour 50 minutes (20 minutes for objective and 90 minutes for descriptive paper). (b) The first online examination (objective) is set with 20 multiple choice questions for 10 marks (20 questions x ½ marks) from first two and half units (50% of the syllabus) and it is conducted by University Examination Section. The descriptive examination is set with 3 full questions for 5 marks each from first two and half units (50% of the syllabus), the student has to answer all questions. In the similar lines, the second online and descriptive examinations shall be conducted on the rest of the syllabus. (c) The assignment is given by the concerned class teacher for five marks from first two and half units (50% of the syllabus).

The second assignment shall be given from rest of the syllabus. The first assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the first mid-term examination, and the second assignment should be submitted before the conduct of the second mid-term examination. (d) The total marks secured by the student in each mid-term examination are evaluated for 30 marks. The first mid marks (Mid-1) consisting of marks of online objective examination, descriptive examination and assignment shall be submitted to the University examination section within one week after completion of first mid examination. (e) The mid marks submitted to the University examination section shall be displayed in the concerned college notice boards for the benefit of the students. (f) If any discrepancy found in the submitted Mid-1 marks, it shall be brought to the notice of university examination section within one week from the submission. (g) Second mid marks (Mid-2) consisting of marks of online objective examination, descriptive examination and assignment shall also be submitted to University examination section within one week after completion of second mid examination and it shall be displayed in the notice boards. If any discrepancy found in the submitted mid-2 marks, it shall be brought to the notice of university examination section within one week from the submission. (h) Internal marks can be calculated with 80% weightage for better of the two mids and 20%Weightage for another mid exam.


Mid-1 marks = Marks secured in (online examination-1+descriptive examination-1 +one assignment-1)

Mid-2 marks = Marks secured in (online examination-2+descriptive examination-2 +one assignment-2)

Final internal Marks = (Best of (Mid-1/Mid-2) marks x 0.8 + Least of (Mid-1/Mid-2) marks x 0.2)

The Following Examination Time table is released by JNTUK


Download the Time Table from below given links:

JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 (R20) 2nd Mid Time Table 2024


(i) any omissions or clashes in this time table may please be informed to the controller of examinations immediately.

(ii) even if government declares holiday on any of the above dates, the examinations shall be conducted as usual.

(iii) the principals are requested to inform the university any other substitute subjects that are not included in the above list immediately.


  1. Sir the internship has so many modules and some of the students didnt complete the project.

  2. sir,please cancel our sem exams as it taking a lang time because of covid19 outbreak
    and directly qualify us into next year

  3. Respected sir,
    I am a 2nd btech student in a college affiliated under JNTUK.Sir,please notify 2-2 sem exam schedule.
    If it takes a longer time to complete 2-2(if it extends to june).Sir please cancle them sir and please come up with another alternative.and directly qualify us to 3rd year it would really a great help so that we can focus on learning upcomming top languages and technologies without fear of sem exams.

  4. Respected sir,
    IAM a second Btech student.Because of long gap of communication I didn't able to cover all subjects.so,I kindly request you to cancel the 2-2 seem exams.
    Thanking you sir.

  5. Respected sir,
    I am a second Btech student.sir,please cancel the 2-2 sem exams.Due to long gap of covod-19 holidays we can't able to complete the syllabus.so ,l kindly request you to cancel them.
    Thanking you sir

  6. You want conduct the 2nd mid of 2-2 from 31 to 7 but the government declared the lock down and these arenot considered as holidays then update an whether the exams will be continued or not

  7. sir update information about 1-1 results please please
    I'm final year student waiting for results plz update sir


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