JNTUK – DAP – Substitute Subjects for Readmitted students – II B.Tech – IISem(R13) – Reg.
JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem Substitute Subjects (R10 to R13)
All the Principals are hereby informed that the following are the substitute subjects for readmitted students from R10 to R13
Name of the Branch | Name of the subjects already studied in the Present Semester | Suggested subjects for Present Semester |
ME | Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine tools | Mechanics of Solids |
ME | Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine Lab | Mechanics of Solids and Metallurgy Lab |
ECE | Random Variables and Stochastic Process | Data Structures |
EEE | Environmental Studies | Electrical Circuit Analysis-I |
CSE | Probability and Statistics | Object Oriented Programming Through C++ |
IT | Probability and Statistics | Object Oriented Programming Through C++ |
Get Civil 2-2 Sem Substitute Subjects information at Official notification