JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem Substitute Subjects (R10 to R13)

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JNTUK – DAP – Substitute Subjects for Readmitted students – II B.Tech – IISem(R13) –  Reg.

JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Sem Substitute Subjects (R10 to R13)


All the Principals are hereby informed that the following are the substitute subjects for readmitted students from R10 to R13

Name of the BranchName of the subjects already studied in the Present SemesterSuggested subjects for Present Semester
MEFluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine toolsMechanics of Solids
MEFluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine LabMechanics of Solids and Metallurgy Lab
ECERandom Variables and Stochastic ProcessData Structures
EEEEnvironmental StudiesElectrical Circuit Analysis-I
CSEProbability and StatisticsObject Oriented Programming

Through C++

ITProbability and StatisticsObject Oriented Programming

Through C++

Get Civil 2-2 Sem Substitute Subjects information at Official notification

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