JNTUK CoEeRD Online Feedback, Centre of Excellence for e-Resource Development & Deployment (CoEeRD) – Regarding
JNTUK CoEeRD Online Feedback-Reg
The Principal/Director/Chairman of Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK.
Sub: JNTUK – CoEeRD&D –Request for online feedback on e-content courseware – Regarding.
Ref: 1. M.O.U. between JNTUK & M/S Globarena Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad.
2. Registrar’s letter dated 01-01-2014 on e-content to affiliated colleges.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to (1) & (2) read above, JNTUK is providing student and faculty modules of e-content courseware for six branches (Civil, EEE, Mechanical, ECE, CSE and IT) of UG Programs for the benefit of the faculty and students of affiliated colleges. Almost all the affiliated colleges have extended their co-operation and support for the installation of the e-content in their respective LAN’s and the University through CoEeRD&D is conducting online programs through e-studio on industry relevant and value added academic programs for the benefit of the faculty and students
The University is further planning to improve the quality of the e-content courseware, which was already provided in the year 2013-14. To develop the revised versions of the e-content courseware for the year 2014-15, the University seeks the support of all the stakeholders.
In this connection, I am by direction, request all the faculty and the students of JNTUK affiliated colleges, who are using e-content courseware to provide the actual feedback on all the subjects and laboratories that were provided so far. For this purpose a standard proforma is made available in the JNTUK website at the right top-corner (Link Given Below).
Feedback on e-Resources
Open jntuk.edu.in and click on Feedback on e-Resources at the right top-corner shown below picture.
The faculty and students are requested to provide the actual feedback through JNTUK online link so as to enable the CoEeRD&D to provide an improved version of e-content courseware for the year 2014-15.
The necessary online feedback may be provided on or before 07-02-2015.