TSPSC Gurukulam Prelims Result 2017 PGT, TGT, PD – Check Eligible candidates for Main Examination at tspsc.gov.in. Telangana State Public Service Commission has released Screening test results for Residential School Teachers.
TSPSC Gurukulam PGT Results 2017 – Released on 31-12-2017
TSPSC Gurukulam Prelims Result 2017 PGT, TGT, PD – Check Eligible candidates for Main Exam @ tspsc.gov.in
It is here by notified that on the basis of combined & common Preliminary Examination held on 31-05-2017 for the Posts of PGT, TGT & PD in various Residential Educational Institutions Societies, the candidates with the following Register Numbers are provisionally picked up in the ratio of 1:15 for Main Examination for the post of TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHERS. The Main Examination will be held on 20/07/2017, 21/07/2017 & 22/07/2017. Against total No.of 2340 (Maths, Bio-science, Physical Science, Social & Science) vacancies, there is a short fall in selection of candidates in 1:15 ratio with respect to certain categories. The candidates are directed to visit Commission’s website www.tspsc.gov.in for further details.
Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the Telangana Gurukulam TGT, PGT, PD Prelims Result 2017 on its official website, tspsc.gov.in. The TS TGT, PGT, PD Examination was conducted on 31st May. Hence all the competitors those who are enrolled for the examination can download their results, eligible candidates pdf from the TSPSC official website and save the hall ticket carefully to carry to the examination.
Download Telangana Gurukulam PGT & TGT Prelims Result 2017
The Telangana State Public Service Commission has recently issued a recruitment notification for 5289 Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) and Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) posts. The TSPSC has accepted applications till 4th May. A huge number of hopefuls interested in TS Gurukulam TGT PGT Posts have applied through online for these posts.
Telangana Gurukulam TGT PGT Prelims Result 2017 – Important Information
Name of the University | Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) |
Category | TS Gurukulam TGT PGT Prelims Result 2017 |
Name of the Exam | TS Gurukulam TGT PGT 2017 |
Date of Examination | 31st May 2017 |
Official Website | Tspsc.gov.in |
Date of Release | 21st July |
Provisional List of eligible candidates for Main Examination for the post of Post Graduate Teachers
Provisional List of eligible candidates for Main Examination for the post of PHYSICAL DIRECTOR
TSPSC Gurukulam TGT PGT Examination 2017 Examination Pattern
Preliminary Examination:
- The question paper of the Main examination will be supplied in English version only except languages.
- In the Preliminary Screen Test, the 150 questions to be answered will be based upon General Studies, General Abilities and Basic Proficiency in English.
- Duration of the exam is 150 minutes and the marks are 150.
Mains Examination:
- The questions thus asked will be objective type.
- Paper – I will feature 150 questions based on Pedagogy of Concerned. Duration is 150minutes and the total marks are also 150.
- Paper – II will also feature 150 questions based on Subject Discipline Knowledge/Concerned Subject. Duration is 150minutes and the total marks are also 150.
TSPSC TGT PGT Examination Centre:
- The Screening Test will be held at HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction) only or all erstwhile District headquarters.
- The Main (Objective Type) Examination will be held at HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction) only.
TSPSC Gurukulam TGT PGT Qualifying Marks/ Cutoff Marks:
Candidates those who obtains the qualifying marks in the preliminary examination are said to be qualified in the examination. Hopefuls cleared the preliminary examination are eligible for mains examination. Candidate selection will be done in 1:15 ratio for mains examination. The minimum qualifying marks for Selection are OCs 40%, BCs 35% SCs, STs, and PHS 30%.
Steps to Download TS Gurukulam TGT/PGT Results 2017
- Initially visit the Telangana TGT/PGT Official website, tspsc.gov.in
- Search for TGT/PGT results 2017 Download Link on homepage
- Click on the link and enter the details of registration number, password, and other details.
- Click on ‘Submit’ Button.
- The hall ticket will be downloaded.
- Once go through the details of examination venue, date and time of examination and other information.
- Take a printout of the hall ticket and preserve it carefully to carry to the examination center.
Sir I got 89 marks in prelims PGT English,but I didn’t get my no in results.
I have given english as main. When are English results to be announced.?
Hello sir where is english result all are waiting eagerly and languages having first mains exam when compared with subjects still u r not releasing prelims result when will b the result for english plzzzz reply some one
sir pls release english qualified list… as fast as possible…
we need to prepare for mains too..
Where is the English qualified list ?
Sir I am eligible for tgt(english&biological science),pgt(english).I applied for those posts.I got one h.t. no. for those exams.My h.t. no. is 171813739.But no number with 81 series after 171.
gurukul pgt tgt english qualified list please
sir,i am (S.Naga Komali)my Gurukula prelims TGT hall ticket no.1712006058,
i got 73 marks and my subject is mathes but i don’t find my number in tspsc merit list also in my no. series last four digits till 6000…….. i can’t find any no. in this result.
please verify this result.
thanking you sir.
please respond for my email.
My hall tick miss sir…how to know my pgt hall tick sir
Sir wt about english qualified list?
What about English marks list?
sir i got 65 marks in pgt in biology. i did mistake hall ticket number on omr sheet .but i did bubling correctly.my number not came in selected list.
Sir,when I checked my answers in key I got 93 marks,PGT (biological sciences) but my number is not showing in the list m BC-E candidate…can u give me an idea, what will b the cut off for general and BC-E candidates?
Y this delay in english results
what about english result. Here we are very tensed and even we too have written on 31 May. why it is getting delayed. Please I would be obliged if I am let to know.
Dear sir how about english qualified list…..
Will English prelims candidates get separate result?
Sir my no 1713002572.I got 72 marksin bioscience.but there is not my no in list.pgt English result also not there.
I got 96 in prelims.
My topic is English in Mains.
But we didn’t get results from Prelims “English “.
Could anyone please tell me about this?
Gurukulam English Mains Qualified Candidates List?