ANU Reschedule of 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem & Year End Supply Exams, 2020

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ANU Reschedule of 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem & Year End Supply Exams, 2020


Sub:- ANU Reschedule of U.G. Courses Examinations, 2020

The Vice-Chancellor has ordered to modify the earlier orders cited at reference — 11 and permitted to conduct the 6th, 4th and 2nd Semesters and Year-End supplementary/ One-time opportunity Of U.G. Examinations as per the following reschedule (Column-3).

ANU Degree Time Tables Sept 2020

Exam Dates:

  • 6th Sem Exams: 07-09-2020
  • 4th Sem Exams: 14-09-2020
  • 2nd Sem Exams: 14-09-2020
  • Year End Supply/One Time Exams: 07-09-2020

The Vice-Chancellor has also ordered to request the Principals/ Chief Superintendents of UG Examinations Centers to follow the safety measures of Covid-19 as prescribed by the Government/ Health Department and to take necessary preventive measures.

Further, the Vice-Chancellor has ordered to inform the principals/ Chief Superintendents that appropriate disciplinary action w-ill be initiated on any College that does not follow the preventive measures for Covid- 19.

Download the Official Notification here


  1. I dont under stand to the list of time tables a 'b'c'd and 2nd sem exams already had gon but why the time tables are given


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