AP Police Constable Mechanic & Drivers FWT Preliminary Key Official: Recruitment to the posts of SCT Police Constables (Mechanics)-25 Posts & SCT Police Constables (Drivers)-134 for Men in the Police Transport Organization was notified vide Notification Rc.No.247/R&T/Rect.2/2016, dt: 13-09-2016.
The Final Written Examination was held on 19-02-2017 at Kakinada, East Godavari District (i.e., 16 Centres) from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM and 02.30 PM to 05.30 PM respectively. Download Preliminary Key for Final Written Test for the post of PCs (Mechanic) & (Drivers) in PTO is available.
AP Police Constable Mechanic & Drivers FWT Preliminary Key Official – recruitment.appolice.gov.in
Date of Examination:- 19-03-2017
Morning Session Technical Paper for the post of SCT PC (Driver)
- Hall Tickets Issued: 6176
- Candidates attended: 5876
Afternoon Session Technical Paper for the post of SCT PC (Mechanic)
- Hall Tickets Issued: 1096
- Candidates attended: 1008
Answer Key for Question Booklet Series- A, B, C & D for both the Technical Papers for the post of SCT PC(Drivers) and SCT PC (Mechanics) are uploaded separately on the website (recruitment.appolice.gov.in). Candidates may download the answer key of both the Papers.
The objections if any, on the key shall be sent on or before 22.03.2017 at 05.00 PM and they may be addressed in the following format to email id apslprbpc.obj@gmail.com. for each paper separately. The candidate should submit the objections in the following format, for each paper separately and the same will be considered.
The results of the Final Written Test for the said Posts will be announced within a fortnight. The entire process was conducted peacefully.
Download AP Police Constable Mechanic & Drivers FWT Preliminary Key
Preliminary Key for the post of PC(Mechanics) -2017-03-20
Preliminary Key for the post of PC(drivers) -2017-03-20
Press Note about the Objections if any on the Preliminary Key for the Final Written Test for the post of PCs (Mechanic) & (Drivers) in PTO -2017-03-20