AP Police Constable Stage 2 Online Application form 2019: Recruitment to the posts of SCT Police Constable (Civil) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (AR) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (APSP) (Men) in Police Department and Warder (Men) & Warder (Women) in Prisons & Correctional Services Department and Firemen (Men) in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Department was notified vide Notification Rc.No.215/R&T/Rect.2/2018, Dtd:12-11-2018.
AP Police Constable Stage 2 Online Application form 2019 (PMT/PET)
The Preliminary Written Test for the above posts was held on 06.01.2019 & 08.01.2019 at 28 locations/704 Centres in Andhra Pradesh, in which 1 09 106 candidates qualified. The PMT & PET for these qualified candidates will be held in 13 locations. Venue wise detail of the candidates as shown below:-
SI.No | PMT PET Venue | Male | Female | Total |
1 | Anantapuramu | 7308 | 1309 | 8617 |
2 | Chittoor | 6053 | 963 | 7016 |
3 | East Godavari | 7550 | 991 | 8541 |
4 | Guntur | 9638 | 1358 | 10996 |
5 | Krishna | 8107 | 1468 | 9575 |
6 | Kumool | 11259 | 1288 | 12547 |
7 | Prakasam | 5272 | 707 | 5979 |
8 | SPS Nellore | 5461 | 720 | 6181 |
9 | Srikakulam | 6669 | 902 | 7571 |
10 | Visakhapatnam | 11295 | 1873 | 13168 |
11 | Vizianagarm | 6961 | 1392 | 8353 |
12 | West Godavari | 4131 | 529 | 4660 |
13 | Y.S.R. District Kadapa | 5248 | 654 | 5902 |
Total | 94952 | 14154 | 109106 |
The above qualified candidates are required to fill up Stage-II Online Application Form in which they have to enter Unit Preferences, Study, Residence and other details which were not entered in the first Online Application. The Stage-II Online Application Form will be available in the website “slprb.ap.gov.in” from today i.e., from 28-01-2019 to 04-02-2019. The candidates should fill the said Online Application Form immediately and they should bring the print-out of the said Stage-II Online Application Form while coming to attend for the PMT/PET test and submit the same to the authorities concerned. Call letter for PMT/PET cannot be generated by the candidates who have not filled Stage-2 Online Application Form.
Dear Sir/Madam, I got qualified for PMT & PET but while opening the particular web page to submit the required details for PMT&PET its not opening the page and also I am getting error message like "Invalid Regd. No. or SSC Hall Ticket No." please help me out in this regards asap. Name : DUTHALA PADMAVATHI Regd no.4094874 SSC Hall Ticket No: 1218124361 Examination hall ticket no: 555601466 Date of birth: 02/06/1996
Read more at: http://www.jntufastupdates.com/ap-police-constable-stage-2-online-application-form-2019/
Dear Sir/Madam,
I got qualified for PMT & PET but while opening the particular web page to submit the required details for PMT&PET its not opening the page and also I am getting error message like "Invalid Regd. No. or SSC Hall Ticket No."
please help me out in this regards asap.
Name : Sankaberi Naveen Kumar
Regd no.4061024
SSC Hall Ticket No: 1020120614
Examination hall ticket no: 576490887
Date of birth: 05/07/1994
The Respected Sir
I am A Hari Shankar native of Kurnool, Sir I would like to bring to your notice the problem im facing regarding stage two AP Constable , when i tried to enter my Regd num Hall Ticket Num, it shows to me invalid Regd num or Invalid Hall Ticket Num , Hence i would humbly request you to help me in this situation
Thanking You
A Hari Shankar
Regd Num: 4023332
Hall Ticket Num : 578300026
SSC Hall Ticket Num: 1140104876
Date of birth : 10-06-1995
My Mobile Num: 8096381793
The Respected Sir
I am A Hari Shankar native of kurnool , i would like to bring to your notice about the problem that im facing right now is that i did got qualified in the First stage of AP Constable and im not able to proceed for the second stage of AP Constable (physical Test) when i tried to enter my Regd and Hall ticket to fill up Second Stage it shows "invalid id or Regd Num"
kindly help me
Thanking You
A Hari Shankar
Regd No: 4023332
Hall Ticket Num : 578300026
Tenth Hall Ticket Num: 1140104876
Date Birth : 10-06-1995
Am rajesh from knl my pblm alsoo same am qualified primes apprb plzz help us sirr