AP SBTET Diploma C16 5th Sem Instant Cum Supply Notification Nov 2020 For Final Year Students of 2019-20 A.Y

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AP SBTET Diploma C16 5th Sem Instant Notification 2020: Andhra Pradesh SBTET Board has announced Diploma c16 5th Sem Instant Cum Supply Examination November 2020 notification at sbtetap.gov.in. All the Eligible Students can apply for AP SBTET Diploma Instant Cum Supply exams 2020 from 31st October, 2020.

AP SBTET Diploma C16 5th Sem Instant Cum Supply Notification Nov 2020 For Final Year Students of 2019-20 A.Y


Sub: – SBTET, AP – EXAMINATIONS – Board Diploma Examination for the courses in C-16 Scheme – Instant examination for 5th semester – Final year students of 2019-20 A.Y – Regarding.

Important Details of AP SBTET Instant cum Supplementary Exam 2020:

Name of the OrganisationState Board Of Technical Education & Training, Andhra Pradesh (SBTET)
Name Of The ExamAP SBTET Diploma Instant cum Advance Supplementary Exams 2020
CategoryAP SBTET C16 5th Sem Instant Exam Notification
Exams held From06-11-2020
Eligible SchemesC16 5th Sem
Official websitesbtetap.gov.in

With reference to the subject cited above, SBTET, AP is going to conduct 5th semester instant examination to the candidates those who studied final year during the academic year 2019-20, irrespective of any number of backlogs in 5th semester which are to be commenced from 06/11/2020 as mentioned in the notification.

Further, it is informed that the candidates willing to appear for the above examinations can make the examination fee payment through any AP Online centre or through Payment Gateway (Credit Card/ Debit Card/Net Banking). For this service, AP Online centre/Polytechnics operator will collect Rs.15/- from the candidate per hall ticket for Normal and Late fee and Rs.25/- for Tatkal. The candidates are informed to approach the Polytechnic where they studied along with the scanned copy of their photo, if there is any discrepancy in Photo, so as to send the same for uploading in the server. The candidate can generate the hall ticket directly by making payment through payment gateway (i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking). The eligible candidates can make the fee payment by any of the above methods and obtain hall tickets to appear for the examination. The candidate has to obtain the signature on hall ticket from the concerned Head of Section/Principal before appearing for the examination. (Note: Before remitting the fee, the candidate shall ensure his eligibility status, since fee once paid cannot be refundable under any circumstances)


Applications are invited from eligible candidates to appear for Instant examination for 5th semester of 3 year Diploma courses of 2019-20 /\Y to be conducted by Board during November 2020

S NoBranchesInstant Cum Supply

The following candidates arc eligible for 5th semester Instant Examinations to be held in November, 2020:

1. Candidates of those who studied final year during the academic year 2019-20, irrespective of any number of subjects in 5th semester.

IPractical ExaminationsBefore Theory Examinations
IICommencement of instant examination for 5th Sem06-11-2020
IIIDate of Commencement for payment of examination fee through online31-10-2020
IVLast date for payment of examination fee without penalty to all candidates02-11-2020
VLast date for payment of examination fee with penalty to all candidates.03-11-2020
VILast date for payment of examination fee and submission of application form (UNDER TATKAL SCHEME)04-11-2020
VIISubmission of practical examination marks to the S.B.T.E.T09-11-2020
VIIIFee Details.
Fee for Whole/part examination (i) for Engg. DiplomaRs.   550/-
a)  Late Fee (penalty)

b)  Tatkal scheme (Including Examination fee)

Rs    600/-

Rs  3000/-

1. Acceptance of examination fee does not provide any right to the candidate to demand for the issue of hall ticket
2. Detailed Time table of examinations shall be communicated in due course.
3. Examination fee must be paid through payment gateway ie. Debit Card/Credit Card/ et Banking for all Diploma subjects.
4. The dates mentioned at serial No VII are the dates by which the board should receive the inputs.
5. Fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
6. Eligible Physically Handicapped candidates can generate hall tickets through Polytechnic HLCs.
7. A student who is not eligible and appeared the examination in any other reason shall forfeit the examination fee paid.
8. Detailed instructions of Examination fee payment are enclosed with this notification.
9. The Polytechnics can add the eligible candidates details to NR through HOS login with <ADDNR> button after thorough verification.
10. The URL for online fee payment module is http://apsbtet.net/dofpportal for the students studying in the Polytechnics in Andhra Pradesh.

Download the Official Notification Here

Old News:

అమల్లో సి-16 స్కీమ్‌ (C16 Scheme Eligible For Instant cum Advance Supplementary Exams)

ప్రస్తుతం డిప్లొమా కోర్సులు చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థులకు 2016 నుంచి సి-16(కరిక్యులమ్‌-16)స్కీమ్‌ అమలులో ఉంది. సాధారణంగా ఆ విద్యలో ఐదేళ్లకు ఒకసారి కరిక్యులమ్‌(సిలబస్‌) మార్పు చేస్తుండడం జరుగుతోంది. సి-09 తర్వాత 2014లో సి-14 కరిక్యులమ్‌ ప్రవేశపెట్టారు. అయితే సి-14లో ఫైనలియర్‌ విద్యార్థులకు ఇండస్ట్రియల్‌ ట్రైనింగ్‌ను పొందుపరచలేదు. దీంతో సాంకేతిక విద్యాశాఖ 2016లో అర్ధంతరంగా రెండు సంవత్సరాలకే సి-14ను రద్దుచేసి సి-16ను అమలు చేసింది. ఈ కరిక్యులమ్‌లో 6 నెలల ఇండస్ట్రియల్‌ ట్రైనింగ్‌ను తప్పనిసరి చేశారు. దీనివల్ల విద్యార్థుల్లో పారిశ్రామికపరమైన నైపుణ్యాలపై పట్టు సాధించే అవకాశం ఉంటుంది.

ఇక సప్లిమెంటరీ పరీక్షలు ఉండవు (There is Supplementary Exams From Now)

వచ్చే ఏడాది నుంచి అక్టోబర్‌లో నిర్వహించే సప్లిమెంటరీ పరీక్షలు ఉండవు. మేలో జరిగే ఇన్‌స్టంట్‌ కమ్‌ అడ్వాన్స్‌డ్‌ సప్లిమెంటరీకి విద్యార్థులందరూ హాజరుకావచ్చు. నూతన పద్ధతిలో జరగనున్న పరీక్షల విధానంపై విద్యార్థులకు అవగాహన కల్పిస్తున్నాం. ఈ విధానంతో డిప్లొమా విద్యార్థులందరికీ మేలు చేకూరుతుందని భావిస్తున్నాం.

AP SBTET Instant Exams 2019 - press note


  1. Sir is there any Reverfication/ recorrection to our instant exam sir can u plz say that is it there R not

  2. Sir when will be results will be out.. U said before exams it will come at 25th but still know there is no other notification on it

    • Sir release please 2019 deploma civil c14 certificate we r loosing government job in andhra university please kindly dispatch c14 certificates 2019 March passed out

    • Sir when c14 March passed certificates dispatched when many of job opportunitys missed due to lack of certificate

  3. Sir,. After supply exam we will eligible for transfer or after supply exam results we will eligible to receive the transfer.

  4. Sir! I was paid my fee due but there is not come by fee reciept. And i was saw fee payment receipt are not come


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