AP SBTET Assessment of Industrial Training for VI Sem – Conduct of 2nd Unit test for IV and V Sem and 3rd Unit test for I year Students

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AP SBTET Assessment of Industrial Training for VI Sem – Conduct of 2nd Unit test for IV and V Sem and 3rd Unit test for I year Students

Sub: SBTET, AP – Academic/Examination – Assessment of Industrial Training for VI semester students of 2019-20 AY – Conduct of 2nd Unit test for IV and V semester and 3rd Unit test for I year students through online – instructions – regarding.


We are all aware of that the Government has imposed lockdown from 23rd March 2020 to 30th June 2020 due to Covid -19 pandemic. Subsequently all the Academic activities/ Examinations have been postponed. In this connection, AICTE has also issued certain guidelines to all the affiliated Technical Institutions and Polytechnics across India, in which it was mentioned that the Polytechnics shall conduct the classwork for all the existing 2nd & 3rd Year from 01/08/2020 and for the fresh batch i.e., 1st year from 01/09/2020 for the academic year 2020-21.

In view of the above, vide ref (4), all the Principals of Govt./ Aided/ Private/ Engineering Colleges offering 2nd shift Polytechnics are hereby instructed to conduct the VI semester industrial training assessment and Viva-voce through online with a committee comprising the following staff members and complete the assessment and submit the marks on or before 27/06/2020.

i) Head of Section

ii) External Examiner preferably from Industry

iii) Staff member who assessed the student during the industrial training

It is also to inform that some of the Polytechnics, where 2nd Unit test for IV and V semester and 3rd Unit test for I year students have not been conducted due to lock down are now instructed to conduct the unit test through online (Google form) Objective type test for 20 marks or evaluate through subject wise assignment as per the discussion during Video Conference and submit the marks on or before 27/06/2020.

Therefore all the Principals are requested to treat this as most urgent.

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