AP SBTET C16 3rd Sem Results 2021 Manabadi: AP Sbtet Diploma C16 3rd Sem, 1st Year Exam Results August/September 2021 declared at sbtetap.gov.in, schools9, indiaresults.com. Students can check Andhra Pradesh SBTET World results, AP SBTET C16 results, sbtet polytechnic results branch wise below. Students keep patience for check your AP SBTET results 2021 name wise along with marks list from respective official websites which is mentioned in the given space below.
AP SBTET C16 3rd Sem, 1st Year Results 2021 Aug/Sept @ Manabadi, sbtetap.gov.in
AP SBTET Results 2021 Manabadi :State Board of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh successfully conducted Diploma / Polytechnic Courses (C16) Public Examinations in the months of August/September 2021 at different exam centers across the AP. A huge number of candidates appeared for the SBTET examinations 2021. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam are eagerly waiting for the sbtet diploma C16 3rd Sem results 2021. Now, the wait is over, AP SBTET is going to be declare sbtet 3rd sem Result soon. Candidates can check their results from the direct link provided below.
Students who are waiting for diploma regular and supply examination results 2021, we are providing latest information about AP SBTET Diploma results 2021. So students who are waiting for the polytechnic (Diploma) examination results, read below given information Regarding Diploma exam results.

AP SBTET Diploma C16 3rd Sem, 1st Year Results 2021
AP SBTET has conducted C16 scheme Regular/Supply Examinations in the month of August/September 2021. The state boards of technical education & training of ap and ts conducts the diploma examinations twice in a year. These examinations are conducts in summer like March/April and winter exams are conducts in Oct/Nov respectively. The results of these examination results announced after 45-55 days of completion of the examinations.
Name of the Organisation | State Board Of Technical Education & Training, Andhra Pradesh (SBTET) |
Name Of The Exam | AP SBTET Diploma Exams |
Status of Results | Released |
Exam Dates | Aug/Sept 2021 |
Category | SBTET AP Results |
Official website | sbtetap.gov.in, manabadi.com, schools9.com |
AP SBTET 3rd Sem, 1st Year Results 2021 Branch Wise
Students may check their respective branch results using their PIN code. The Following Branch result are published at official website: Diploma in Automobile Engineering Diploma in Architectural Assistantship, Diploma in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Diploma in Diploma in Bio-Medical, Diploma in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Computer Engineering, Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Diploma in Garment Technology, Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Diploma in Information Technology, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering, Diploma in Mining Engineering, Diploma in Petro Chemical Technology, Diploma in Petroleum Technology, Diploma in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Diploma in Textile Technology.
A.P polytechnic is popularly known as Andhra Pradesh state board of technical education and training which conducts its examination every year. POLYCET is an entrance test which is successfully conducted to provide admission in courses such as engineering/non-engineering/technology and these are offered in polytechnics institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh. This year the board conducted the various diploma exams and the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the sbtet world results from the official website.
The Following Examination Results will be released by SBTET AP:
AP SBTET Diploma C-16 Examinations 2021
- sbtet results c16 1st Year (Supply)
- sbtet results c16 3rd sem (Supply)
Manabadi SBTET Polytechnic Results 2021
AP SBTET diploma results 2021 Manabadi: AP SBTET will be declared Results of Diploma C16 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th semester examinations 2021 at schools9.com, manabadi.com, manabadi.co.in. Candidates who had appeared for the examination in the month of August/September can get their results from the direct link provided below.
Check your AP SBTET 3rd Sem, 1st Year Results 2021 by click on the links given below:
AP SBTET Diploma C16 3rd Sem Results Aug 2021 | Link-2 – Available Now
AP SBTET Diploma C16 1st Year Results Aug 2021 | Link-2 – Available Now

How to Check AP SBTET Diploma Results 2021 manabadi?
- Visit the official website sbtetap.gov.in or manabadi.com.
- The homepage will be displayed.
- Click on “AP SBTET results 2021“.
- Enter all the required details in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The results will display on the screen.
- Check the manabadi sbtet c16 results
- Download/Take a printout for the further reference.
SBTET AP Diploma Re-Valuation Form 2021
I wish to inform you that the results of the following mentioned IV, V and VII semesters of C-I 6 Scheme Regular examinations held in Aug/Sept have been declared. You arc informed to communicate the candidates to go through the www.manabadi.com www.indiaresults.com, www.schools9.com www.vid avi ion.com
https://apsbtet.net/dipresults etc., for results and marks secured by them in the following branches.
Those who desirous to apply for Re-verification / Recounting / Photo copy may submit their application in any online centre or through Payment Gateway ( i.e., Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking) with the prescribed fee and user charges with complete address with PIN Code, WhatsApp Mobile No / Mobile No, email ID, (Mandatory) on or before:
The Photo copy of the answer script to the candidates, who applied for photo copy, will be sent to the address furnished in the online application. Therefore, the candidates are informed to enter the correct address details while filling the application. The status of the request will be informed to the candidates by SMS and mail.
Application in the form of hard Copy by post or in person will not be entertained.
1. | Recounting (Application to all theory subjects including Drawing subject) | Rs. 600/- Per Script |
2. | Photo copies of valued answer scripts (Photo copies will be issued to all theory subjects including Drawing Subjects). | Rs. 1,000/- Per subject |
3. | Re-verification (Re-verification shall be done for all theory subjects including Drawing Subject). | Rs. 4,500/- Per Subject |
It is further informed that the Principals should inform the students that Re-counting, Re-verification and Photocopy services are different and the students should apply for each service separately along with prescribed fee as shown in the above table.
- The candidate can make the payment for the above services through online from
- The Candidates who applied for photo copy can apply for Re-verification
Important Links:
AP SBTET diploma results 2021 manabadi,
sbtet diploma results 2021,
ap sbtet results 2021,
sbtet c16 results manabadi,
sbtet world results,
manabadi sbtet results.
AP SBTET Board conducts Exams in Sem format.
People should Click on Above mentioned Direct link and Select Semester Number and PIN No and Course and Click on submit.
Semester PIN No and Date of birth (If necessary) is required to get download of your marksheet.