AP SBTET Special Mercy Time Tables April 2021 : AP SBTET Diploma C14, C09, C08 C-90, C-96, C-00, C-05 Special Mercy Examination Time Tables April 2021 are released at sbtetap.gov.in.
AP SBTET Diploma Special Mercy Exam Time Tables April 2021 (C14, C09, C08 C-90, C-96, C-00, C-05)
It is herewith enclosed a detailed Time-Table to conduct the Special Mercy Examinations of C-90, C-96, C-00, C-05, C-05(CCC), C-08, C-09, C-14 Schemes. The said examinations are scheduled to be commenced from 16-04-2021.
The Copies of the Time-Table shall be placed on the Notice Board for the benefit of the students. The Principals are requested to verify the Time-Tables, and if any discrepancies are found the same shall be brought to the notice of the “Deputy Secretary, Pre-Exam Section in the Board” immediately for taking necessary action.
The above Time-Tables are also placed in the website www.sbtetap.gov.in. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the letter sent with enclosures.
C-05 (CCC) Mercy Time Table -2021
You people are telling that results will be published on or before may last week but it’s too late
Plase tell me when was the result will be