Army Public School Recruitment 2019-20: Army Public School has released Recruitment notification 2019-20 for 8000 PGT, TGT, PRT Teacher Posts. Eligible Candidates can apply online From 1st September to 22nd September 2019 at
Army Public School Recruitment 2019-20 Apply Online For 8000 Teacher Posts
There are 137 Army Public Schools (APS) located in various Cantonments and Military Stations across India. These schools are administered and managed by local Army authorities and affiliated to CBSE through Army Welfare Education Society (AWES). A List of these schools is placed at Annexure 1. There are approximately 8000 teachers on the rolls of these schools. Out of these, a large number get turned over every year due to various reasons. Vacancies could be `regular’ or of `fixed term’ nature which shall be informed along with the announcement of vacancies. Regular appointments would be liable to transfer.
Online Screening Test: To qualify for interview and evaluation of teaching skills, the candidates should have passed the Online Screening Test. This has been scheduled on 19 and 20 Oct 2019 at various centres across the country. The general guidelines for candidates are given in the succeeding paragraphs.
Categories of Teachers. The exam will be held for the posts of PGT/TGT/PRT for all subjects (List placed atAnnexure 2).
Army Public School Recruitment 2019 – Important Dates
Registration Start date | 1st Sep 2019 |
Registration End date | 22nd Sep 2019 |
Admit Card download date | 04 th Oct 2019 |
2018-19 Exam Window | 19th & 20th October 2019 |
Result Declaration | 30th October 2019 |
Army Public School Apply Online/Registration process 2019 as mentioned below:
Apply Online/Registration Here
Step 1: Read Instructions and Self Registration:
First time you will enter as NEW USER. Here you will read the instructions carefully, accept the declaration and proceed.
Now you need to do Self Registration. Here you need to enter few basic details. Please ensure you enter the correct details on this Self Registration form and verify it before you click on “Proceed” button on this page. Once you click on “proceed” button, you cannot edit any data entered on this page.
After that you need to fill the details pertaining to eligibility for examination, if candidate is eligible for examination a unique 6 digit password will be generated and shown on your screen and also will be sent to you via e-mail and SMS. From now onwards, whenever you wish to login to the registration portal, you will come as an EXISTING USER and login with your email id and this unique 6 digit password. This completes your registration.
Once you have filled the complete form, we suggest you once again check the complete data entered by clicking on VIEW/MODIFY button. Clicking on VIEW/MODIFY button will allow you to modify your data in case you want to modify Once you are sure that all the data entered is accurate, you will have to accept a declaration and click on I AGREE. The system will reconfirm to you before SUBMIT. Once you confirm, your form will get finally SUBMITTED and no change in the data is possible after this SUBMIT.
Step 2: Payment Process: You can do the payment in On-Line payment mode only. You can make the payment using Credit card / Debit card / Net Banking. Once your payment is successfully done, you will receive a confirmation E-mail and SMS.
Here you can click on PREVIEW button to view your filled form. If you wish, you can PRINT your filled form and keep a copy with you for reference.
Selection Procedure.
The selection of teachers will be done in three stages:-
(a) Stage 1-Screening Exam. An “Online Screening Test” will be conducted on 19 and 20 October 2019, for vacancies that will arise during the ensuing academic year. This shall be conducted On-line by an agency identified by HQ AWES centrally, to ensure uniform quality of teachers in all Army Public Schools. Those who qualify in this stage will be given a Score Card which shall be valid for life provided the candidate picks up a teaching job within three years from the date of passing the screening exam in any CBSE affiliated school for a continuous duration of at least one year. A Score Card will make candidate eligible to appear for the remaining stages of the selection process. In addition to fresh candidates, the following may also appear for the screening test :-
(i) Holders of Score Cards who want to improve their scores.
(ii) Those desirous of upgrading themselves. For Eg. a candidate holding Score Card of TGT may now want to obtain a card for PGT, having acquired additional qualification. Please note that holding a Score Card by itself does not entitle you to an appointment as teacher in any Army Public School. It only renders you eligible for Stage 2 & 3 of the selection process.
(b) Stage 2 : Interview. As stated at Note to Para 2 above, the respective schools shall announce the vacancies available through various means like Local Newspapers, the School Website, Notice board etc. Candidates would have to apply in response to these announcements. The interviews may or may not be held at the location of the school. They may be held as per discretion of the local management.
(c) Stage 3 : Evaluation of Teaching Skills and Computer Proficiency. For Language teachers, written test comprising Essay & Comprehension of 15 marks each will be held along with evaluation of teaching skills. Selection Committee may also hold Computer proficiency tests if they so desire.
Admit Cards. Admit Cards will be available ON-LINE. Candidates may download and print the same. The same should be produced for gaining entry to the Exam Centre. Candidates are advised to read the instructions appended to the Admit Cards carefully.
Exam Results. Will be put up on the same portal. The results shall be available on the website for 30 days after declaration of results.
Score Card. The Score Cards of successful candidates will be available on the Registration Portal after the exam which the candidates may download and laminate. The card will be valid for life provided the candidate takes up teaching position in any CBSE recognized school (for a period of at least one year) within 3 years of issue of Score Card.