Assam Class 10 Result 2021 Evaluation Criteria: Assam Board of Secondary Education, has announced the evaluation criteria for class 10th students. While this year the SEBA board is not going to announce the merit list of top 10 and distinction list. An online portal will be provided from 4th July for entering marks. Schools can enter the marks of students in the provided portal.
Assam Class 10 Result 2021 Evaluation Criteria, No Merit List Or Topper’s List

“List of distinction, star and merit list of first 10 positions will not be done. SEBA to provide an online portal for entering marks as mentioned above. Link will be available on SEBA website from July 4, 2021,” Education Minister Ranoj Pegu said.
Assam Class 10 Result 2021
Class 10 results will be assessed with a 40:40:20 formula. That is 40% of marks will be given on the basis of class 9th result, 40% marks will be given on student’s performance in class 10th, and 20% of marks will be allotted y the respective schools. School will consider the internal assessment marks, student’s attendance, and other concerned issues to allot the marks.
SEBA said that schools have to keep track of 3 years records of students to allot 20% marks to students.
For schools having no records of class 10 will be allotted 70% of marks based on their 9th class and the remaining 30% marks will be given by the school.
For differently-abled students, who did not attended any exams, schools can decide the marks.
“Attendance, extra-curricular activities to be considered. CWSN students who couldn’t attend mentioned exams, flexible approach will be made. Their marks will be evaluated by the School Evaluation Committee based on last performance, home assignment etc,” Mr Pegu added.
Furthermore, Mr Pegu said: “Consistency vis-a-vis category wise (Distinction, Star, First Division, Second Division) results of previous 3 years performance of school with a variation maximum up to 10% in comparison to highest pass percentage secured by students in school in any 1 of previous 3 years.”