Bihar AMIN Result 2021 Download BCECEB Merit List, Cutoff Marks

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Bihar AMIN Result 2021, Selected Candidates Merit List: Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) conducted the written test round for AMIN posts [Rev and EFCC] on 12th August. The BCECEB Amin written test round has been conducted in a large number of examination centers across the Bihar state. Lakhs of applicants have participated in the Bihar AMIN written test as per the schedule. The competitors who had given the test can download BCECEB AMIN Answer Key PDF for the applied test. The organization released the answer key for the Bihar Amin written test for all sets A, B, C, D. Download the answer key for the relevant set to estimate the score. Using the exam key, check the correct and wrong attempts, chances of getting qualified in the exam, and other concerned details. Candidates who already checked the Bihar AMIN Question Paper solutions and waiting for the result can check the BCECEB official portal, to know the time to time updates. The organization will soon let the competitors know about the result date. BCECEB AMIN Result, cutoff marks, and merit list will be announced at a time. Competitors can check the result from the provided link on the official portal.

Bihar AMIN Result 2021 Download BCECEB Merit List, Cutoff Marks & Qualified Candidates List

Bihar AMIN Result 2021

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECE) is the state government board that monitors the recruitment process of various associated organizations. Recently the board notified 1767 Amin posts [Rev and EFCC] and accepted applications from the eligible and interested aspirants. Thousands of male and female candidates have applied for the AMIN posts during the application dates. Candidates will be shortlisted through the written test and interview rounds. Candidates qualifying the selection process with good merit will be shortlisted for the announced posts.

BCECEB AMIN Result 2021, Selection List – Important Details

Name of the OrganizationBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB)
Post NameAMIN
Number of Posts1765
Job LocationBihar
Exam DatesBCECEB (Rev) – 10th to 12th August 2021; BCECEB AMIN (EFCC) – 12th August 2021
Result Release DateSeptember 2021 Tentatively

Download BCECEB Amin Result 2021, Qualified Candidates List @

Competitors who appeared for the Bihar AMIN written test on 10th and 12th August will have to wait for a few days to check the update regarding the result. The conducting authority will soon come up with the update regarding the Bihar Amin result date. The BCECEB is likely to announce the result in September [tentatively]. BCECEB Bihar Amin Result 2021 will be accessible to download on Competitors can keep checking the portal to download the result.

BCECEB Bihar Amin Cutoff Marks /Qualifying Marks 2021

Along with the results, the organization will also release the cutoff marks and merit list of the BCECE Amin examination. Candidates have to score the minimum qualifying marks in the written test round to get shortlisted for the merit list. BCECEB Amin cutoff marks category-wise for [General, OBC, SC, ST, and others], section-wise, and overall will be announced. The category-wise cutoff marks will be announced along with the results. Various factors such as the total number of competitors, the Number of posts announced, and various other things will play a major role in defining the cutoff marks. Contenders can check the BCECEB official portal to check the cutoff marks.

For the reference of the competitors, here we are mentioning the Bihar Amin Cutoff Marks [Previous Year]. The qualifying marks will be approximately the same as last year. Check the Bihar Amin Last year cutoff marks to have an idea.

Category NameCut off Marks
General Category45%
OBC Category42%
EBC Category38%
SC/ ST Category34%
Female Candidate Reservation Category34%

Bihar Amin Merit List 2021

Candidates have to qualify for the written test in all the ways to get shortlisted for the merit list. Candidates have to wait till the result declaration to check the cutoff marks as well as the merit list. Bihar Amin merit list 2021 will be released in PDF format. Visit the BCECEB official portal, to download the merit list. After downloading it, check your name, score, and other details it.

Steps to download BCECEB Amin result 2021

  • Have a visit to BCECEB portal,
  • The ‘Amin Result’ link appears on the home screen when the result announced.
  • Click on the link and enter the required credentials in blank columns.
  • After mentioning the correct details click on the submit button.
  • The result gets downloaded along with the cutoff marks.
  • Also, aspirants can check the Bihar Amin Merit List on the same page.
  • Check all the details and take a printout of the result for future usage purpose.

Important Links

Download BCECEB Bihar Amin Result 2021, Cutoff Marks, Merit List Available Soon


Where to download Bihar Amin Result 2021?

BCECEB Bihar Amin Result 2021 will be accessible to download on

What is the BCECEB Amin Result release date?

The BCECEB is likely to announce the result in September [tentatively].

Where can we download Bihar Amin Merit List 2021?

Visit the BCECEB official portal, to download the merit list.


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