CISF Constable Notification 2019 – Apply Online For 914 Posts @

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CISF Constable Notification 2019: CISF or Central Industrial Security Force is inviting applicants for the post of CSF Constable and Tradesman Recruitment 2019. The CISF Recruitment 2019 is being held to fill about 914 posts. The application process started on September 23, 2019.

CISF Constable Notification 2019 – Apply Online For 914 Posts @

Applications are invited from Male Indian citizens for filling up the following temporary posts of CONSTABLE (TRADESMEN) in the Central Industrial Security Force in the trade of Cook, Cobbler, Barber, Washer-man, Carpenter, Sweeper, Painter, Mason, Plumber, Mali & Electrician in the Level 3 of pay matrix 21,700 to 69,100/- plus usual allowances admissible to the Central Government employees from time to time. On their appointment, they will be governed under CISF Act and Rules as well as Central Civil Services Rules applicable to other members of the force and other Acts and Rules applicable from time to time. On appointment they shall be covered by “New Restructured Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (New Pension Scheme)” applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government Services with effect from 01.01.2004.


Recruitment Sector wise / Trade wise / Category wise vacancies of Constable / Tradesmen 2019 are as under:-

Name of post / tradeNo. of postsTotal
Const. / Cook31535350
Const. / Cobbler12113
Const. / Barber9811109
Const. / Washer-man12013133
Const. / Carpenter13114
Const. / Sweeper24327270
Const. / Painter516
Const. / Mason415
Const. / Plumber404
Const. / Mali404
Const. / Electrician303
Back-log vacancies
Const. / Cobbler101
Const. / Barber202

CISF Constable 2019: Important Dates

  • Opening date of application: September 23, 2019
  • Closing date of application: October 22, 2019
  • Closing date for North East Region: October 29, 2019

Educational qualification (Direct open market candidates): Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board for skilled trades (i.e. Barber, Boot Maker, Cook, Carpenter, Electrician, Mason, Mali, Painter, Plumber and Washer Man). Industrial Training Institute trained personnel will be preferred. Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board for unskilled trades (i.e. Sweeper).

Age (Direct open market candidates): Between 18 to 23 years as on 01.08.2019. The candidate should not have been born earlier than 02.08.1996 and later than 01.08.2001.



How to apply For CISF Constable 2019 Posts

The application on the proforma as per Appendix-A should be sent to the concerned application receiving authorities prescribed below along with requisite application fees of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under column 4 below and payable at the post office as mentioned under column 5. SC/ST and Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee.

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