Goa Board SSC Admit Card 2020 – GBSHSE SSC Hall Ticket @ gbshse.gov.in

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Goa Board SSC Admit Card 2020: Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) is ahead to conduct the Secondary School Certificate (SSC)/10th class examinations in the months of February/March 2020. Lakhs of students obtaining the education under the Goa education board are getting ready to attend the exams and to score their best. All the students presently pursuing the class 10th/SSC in various government/aided/private schools in Goa can check the exam date sheet from GBSHSE official portal, gbshse.gov.in. Students must download the hall tickets to proceed with the examination. The admit card/hall ticket will be accessible before 10 days of the examination (approximately). After downloading the hall tickets, students can check the details of their examination venue, date, and timings information from it. Also, student-related information will be printed on admit cards. Once after downloading it, check all the details clearly from it.

Goa Board SSC Admit Card 2020 – GBSHSE SSC Hall Ticket @ gbshse.gov.in

Goa Board

Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) is the state level education board that monitors secondary and higher secondary education system in the state. Annually the board conducts the academic examinations in February/March months and releases the results in April/May months. Lakhs of students obtaining education for SSC and Intermediate under GBSHSE Board. This year the board is planning to conduct the examinations for the academic year 2018 -19 in the months of Feb/Mar. Hence students presently gaining education under GBSHSE can get ready to attend the examinations. Before going to exams, check the date sheet clearly, download and carry the hall tickets, and follow the other important guidelines carefully to attend the exams smoothly.

Also Check: Goa Board SSC Time Table 2020

Goa Board SSC Hall Ticket 2020 – Important Details

Name of the Board Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE)
Official Website  gbshse.gov.in
Name of the Examinations Goa Board SSC Exams 2019-20
Category Admit Card/Hall ticket
Status Releasing Shortly

Download GBSHSE SSC Hall Ticket 2020 @ Gbshse.gov.in

All the students going to appear for the Goa SSC 10th Class academic examinations 2019-20 can download the hall tickets from the GBSHSE official website, Gbshse.gov.in. The hall ticket/admit card is going to be released in the 4th week of January (tentatively). Hence students pursuing 10th class/SSC under the Goa Education Board can get ready to download the hall tickets. The hall ticket release date will be announced by the GBSHSE before the exams. Hence students can stay checking the GBSHSE portal for the latest updates. Students can download Goa SSC Hall ticket 2020 before 10 days of the examination (approximately). After downloading the hall tickets, students can check the details of,

  • Examination venue
  • Dates and timings of the examination.
  • Candidate’s name
  • Hall ticket number
  • Register number
  • Father’s Name
  • Date of birth
  • Candidate’s photo and signature
  • And other columns

Go through the admit cards clearly after downloading. If any printing mistakes appear in name, sir name, date of birth or any other field, students can complain to the corresponding schools in which they are studying. The hall ticket/admit card must be taken to the examination without fail. If the candidate fails to carry the admit card, he/she will not be allowed to attend the test. Hence to overcome this trouble all the students are informed to carry the admit cards as a must. Check the following steps to download Goa Board SSC Hall ticket 2020.

Download Goa Board SSC Admit Card 2020 – Available Soon

Steps to download Goa Board SSC Admit Card/Hall ticket 2020 Online

  1. Visit the GBSHSE website i.e., gbshse.gov.in
  2. On the homepage, ‘SSC Hall ticket 2020 download’ link will be activated.
  3. Click on the link and enter the required login credentials.
  4. Tap on the submit button.
  5. The hall ticket will be downloaded on the screen.
  6. Go through it clearly, and take a printout of the hall ticket.


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