JNTUK Implementation of Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College students through National e-Scholarship.

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JNTUK Implementation of Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College students through National e-Scholarship.

Sub- JNTUK – Affiliated colleges- Implementation of “Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College students through National e- Scholarship”- Online Application -Reg


You are aware that under the “Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College students” Scholarship amount is being disbursed directly through bank accounts of the beneficiary students of the colleges. In the letter under reference, the APSCHE has informed that MHRD Gov.of India has launched the National e- Scholarship portal under the digital India initiative to ensure timely disbursement of scholarship to the students.

In this connection, I am by direction request you to see that all eligible students apply online on the National e- Scholarship portal, which need to be validated online by the colleges concerned.

A copy of the letter under reference along with the enclosures are herewith for taking necessary action in this regard.

Download the Official notification here : Click Here


  1. Respected sir,
    Could you please tell me how to apply central sector scheme scholarship for M.tech.


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