JKBOSE 12th Class Result 2020 Kashmir Division – Released: The Jammu and Kashmir Board of Secondary Education (JKBOSE) conducted the Winter examinations from 1st November to 28th November 2019. Students who have appeared for the class 12th winter examinations from Jammu Division can shortly check the JKBOSE 12th Annual Result 2019 Jammu Division Winter Zone Name Wise from the JKBOSE official website, jkbose.co.in. The board is anticipated to release the results shortly on its official website. All the students who are eager to check JKBOSE 12th Class winter zone result 2019 can wait for the update regarding the result. Soon, the JKBOSE will announce the 12th winter result for Jammu Division on its portal. Students can check their marks, grade, and other details when the result is available on JKBOSE portal.
JKBOSE 12th Result 2020 Name Wise (OUT) – Kashmir Division Winter Zone at jkbose.ac.in

Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) is the state level education board that was established in 1975. JKBOSE offers education for secondary and higher secondary classes in the state. The board monitors the education, syllabus and examination process for the secondary and higher secondary courses. It annually organizes the examinations in February/March months and releases the results in April/May months. While the JKBOSE also conducts the winter zone examinations in October/November months every year for the students who had not completed their papers in their first attempt.
JKBOSE 12th Winter Result 2019 for Jammu Division – Important Details
Name of the Board | Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) |
Official Website | jkbose.co.in |
Name of the Examinations | Jammu and Kashmir 12th class winter result 2019 for Jammu division |
Date of winter exams | 1st November to 28th November 2019 |
Category | JKBOSE 12th winter zone result 2019 |
Status | Released |
Download JKBOSE 12TH Winter Result 2019 Name-wise at jkbose.co.in
Students who are keenly waiting for Jammu and Kashmir 12th Result 2019 for Winter annual examinations can wait for few more days. The board has recently left an update regarding the result. Soon, the 12th class winter zone result will be made accessible by the board on its official website, jkbose.co.in. Students who went through the exams in November can get ready to download the results. The result will be announced for all streams Science, Maths, and Arts. Students can check JKBOSE 12th result 2019 name-wise, number-wise, stream-wise, and in other scenarios. Supposedly, JKBOSE is anticipated to announce the 12th winter zone result for Jammu region and Kashmir region in 3rd week of January 2020 (tentatively). Hence students can stay checking the JKBOSE websites frequently for more updates regarding the winter zone results.
JKBOSE 12Th Result 2019 for winter exams – Details
- Board Name
- Exam Name
- Respective Class
- Name of Student
- Mother’s Name
- Father’s Name
- Roll Number
- Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- List of Subjects
- Marks In Theory
- Marks In Practical
- Total Marks
- Grade Points
- Status of Result
Candidates who are not satisfied with the result or who fails to get good score can apply for re-evaluation or recounting after the result has been declared. Students have to pay certain fee to apply re-evaluation/recounting for class 12th papers. The details of fee, and how to pay etc will be soon updated by the board.
Steps to download JKBOSE 12th Result 2019 for Jammu region and Kashmir region
- Students have to visit the JKBOSE website, jkbose.co.in.
- On the homepage itself, the update regarding 12th winter zone result will be visible.
- Click on the result download link.
- Enter the hall ticket number and other requisite information in provided columns.
- Tap on the Submit/Get result button down to it.
- The result, marks are going to appear on the screen.
- Check the result and take a printout for further needs.
The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education
Higher Secondary Part Two ( Class 12th )
Annual 2019 (Regular) – Kashmir
JKBOSE 12th Result 2019 for Kashmir Division [Winter Zone] Name Wise – Available Now