JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25

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JNTUH 1-1, 1-2 Academic Calendar 2024-25: JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25, Jntu hyderabad I year I, II Sem Academic Calendar 2024-25 download.

JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25

JNTUH B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Sem Academic Calendar For AY 2024-25

JNTU Hyderabad has announced Academic Calendar (2024-25) for B.Tech 1-1 & 1-2 Semesters. Students can check Academic Calender of B.Tech I YEAR I and II Semesters 2024-25.

B.Tech 1-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2024-25

1Induction Programme19.08.202424.08.2024
21st Spell of Instructions (Including induction Recess)27.08.2024​30.10.2024​10 Weeks
3Dussehra Recess07.10.202411.10.20241 Week
4First Mid Term Examinations01.11.2024​07.11.2024​1 Week
5Submission of First Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before13.11.2024-​
62nd Spell of Instructions08.11.2024​04.01.2025​8 Weeks
7Second Mid Term Examinations06.01.2025​10.01.2025​1 Week
8Preparation Holidays and Practical Examinations13.01.2025​21.01.2025​1 Week
9Submission of Second Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before17.01.2025-​
10End Semester Examinations22.01.2025​04.02.2025​2 Weeks

B.Tech 1-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2024-25

1Commencement of II Semester classwork06.02.2025-​
21st Spell of Instructions06.02.2025​04.04.2025​8 Weeks
3First Mid Term Examinations07.04.2025​11.04.2025​1 Week
4Submission of First Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before17.04.2025-​
52nd Spell of Instructions15.04.2025​24.06.2025​10 Weeks
6Summer Vacation12.05.202524.05.20252 Weeks
7Second Mid Term Examinations25.06.2025​01.07.2025​1 Week
8Preparation Holidays and Practical Examinations02.07.2025​08.07.2025​1 Week
9Submission of Second Mid Term Exam Marks to the University on or before04.07.2025-​
10End Semester Examinations09.07.2025​23.07.2025​2 Weeks

Note :

  • For B.Tech 1-1 Semester No.of Working Days = 90
  • For B.Tech 1-2 Semester No.of Working Days = 90

JNTUH B.Tech I YEAR I & II SEMESTERS Academic Calendar for 2024-25


  1. A very helpful page. Thanks a lot!
    CMR Institute of Technology is one of the Top engineering Colleges in Hyderabad.

  2. It will be much better if jntuh put summer break in the whole month of may as may is terribly hot in Hyderabad


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