JNTUH Additional Guidelines for Conducting External Exams Sept 2020

The Principals are informed to note the following additional instructions related to the conduct of semester examinations commencing from 16-09-2020:
1) The Principals are informed to provide the necessary comfort to the parents/attendees who accompany with their wards who are writing semester exam at your college test center like allowing them to enter inside the campus and permitting them to sit in the waiting hall /seminar hall until the two hours exams of their wards is completed.
2) There are a few changes in the provisional allotment of the students to your college. These changes are necessitated due to requests received from the Principals. Final allotment of the students to write the exams, shall be kept in the portal by 14-09-2020. The Principals are requested to make the seating plans as per that final lists only.
3) Nominal rolls of the students shall be generated based on the final allotments only.
4) The hall tickets of the students of your college (parent college) shall be kept in your college portal on or before 13-09-2020. Principals are requested to arrange to take the printouts of all the hall-tickets of the students. The scanned copies of the hall-tickets of the students (who opted to write their exam at the center other than Parent College) should be sent to respective students either by mail or whatsapp or some other electronic mode after the signature (and duly stamped) of the Principal. These students should not be instructed to come to college for the collection of their respective hall-tickets. However for the students who opted their parent college as test center, there is no change in the procedure for the issue of the hall-tickets.
5) All the answer booklets of the students are packed host-college-wise. Hence the colleges need to submit the answer booklets of their students to host colleges where their college students are writing exams.
6) Every college receive two types of answer booklets cartons; the first category of cartons (bundles) consists of the answer booklets of all the students of their own college students (this bundles consist of the booklets of the students who are writing at other centers also; but ignore these booklets; as we have already sent another set to the host colleges); the second category of the bundles are of the students who are allotted to your college (these are other college students) plus Rs. 2000/- fine booklets.
7) The answer booklets in the first category of cartons are printed with the exam dates starting from 20-04-2020 to 29-04-2020; please ignore these dates. Please note the following mapping table for usage of answer booklets.
S.No | Old exam date printed on first category of cartons | New exam date (the date on which these answer booklets are to be used) |
1 | 20-04-2020 (Day-1) | 16-09-2020 |
2 | 22-04-2020 (Day-2) | 18-09-2020 |
3 | 24-04-2020 (Day-3) | 20-09-2020 |
4 | 29-04-2020 (Day-5) | 27-09-2020 |
5 | 27-04-2020 (Day-4) | 25-09-2020 |
8) If there are any student who was tested positive for Covid-19 or the student who has not gone for the testing but possessing the symptoms of Covid-19, such students should not be allowed to write the exam but assist them to visit the nearest hospital. University plans to conduct a separate exam for such students. Due to Covid reasons, if any student is absent for the semester exam, but write at later date, such cases shall not be treated as supplementary appearance.
9) The Principals are informed to follow all the instructions as well as standard operating procedures due to Covid-19 mentioned in our earlier letter (ref. 2 cited above).
10) The last date to submit the lab exam award lists, internal marks of Mid-1 and Mid-2, MOOCs grades and the second batch project viva exam grades is 03-10-2020 (Saturday). If not submitted by the due date, penalty will be levied.
What about 1 2 3 year R15 supply exam's sir please conduct the exams sir
Pls conduct online exams
Exams are not necessary in this time and aware social distance rules& regulation
Is jntuh is responsible to the students ,who will attack the covid while conducting exams….
Is it possible to change the center
Sir if any of student suffer from covid19 . Then jntuh will take the responsibility of the student?
Please conduct college buses For the transport..of students every student don't have there own vehicle..plz respond to these facility…
Yes, even iam not comfortable with college (center) alloted to me.
My parent college is better to write xm than the college alloted.
Jntuh need to reallocate centers
If a student who got alloted center at another college, wants to write xm at parent college, can he write ?
As it is mentioned that booklet of student even who write xm at other center also is sent to parent college