JNTUH B.Tech 4-1 Sem (R16) Mini-Project Viva-Voce Supply Exams Schedule August 2021
JNTUH It is requested to conduct the B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R16) Mini-Project viva-voce supplementary exams from 26-08-2021 to 28-08-2021
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JNTUH B.Tech 4-1 Sem (R16) Mini-Project Viva-Voce Supply Exams Schedule August 2021
JNTUH It is requested to conduct the B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R16) Mini-Project viva-voce supplementary exams from 26-08-2021 to 28-08-2021
Good evening sir,
When 4-1 supplementary exams of R16 will be conducted?