JNTUH Detention Rules – Certain Modifications in Promotion Rules for B.Tech/B.Pharmacy
Sub: Detention rules-certain modifications-Reg.
Ref: Recommendations of Standing Council of Academic Senate dated 29-07-2017
As per R15 regulations of lateral entry students, who joined in II year B.Tech./B.Pharmacy during the academic year 2015-16, have to secure 17 credits out of 28 credits, i.e., 60% of total credits of II year – I semester. As 60% of 28 is equal to 16.8 and instead of rounding, it is resolved to truncate the fractional part of the number. As a result of it, for the promotion from II year to III year of lateral entry students, minimum credits required would be 16 out of 28 credits.
It is also resolved to consider the performance of even semester exams and all examinations conducted during May/June 2017 for promotion from II year to III year and III year to IV year of both B.Tech. and B.Pharmacy. courses. This rule is applicable for the current academic year only.
Further it is resolved that the credits secured for the subject ‘Gender Sensitization” in second year of both B.Tech. and B.Pharmacy. courses shall be considered for counting the credits for promotion. However, the credits secured by the student for the Gender Sensitization subject shall not be considered for the calculation of total credits required for the award of degree as per the regulations.
The revised lists of detentions will be placed in the college portals shortly. The Principals are instructed to conduct remedial classes and mock tests to the detained students and conduct parents’ meetings to create awareness about the detention system. The principals are also instructed to counsel the students and take all measures for smooth running of class work without any disturbance.
Your cooperation is highly solicited. Thanking you.
Download the Official Notification Here: Click Here
1 st year 1st and 2nd sem detain in which year?
For jntu 1st yr 1 sem 16 credits out of 28 credits and 2 sem 16 credits out of 28 credits
I'm r16 regulation from 3rd year.I still need 5 credits to get pramotion in 4th year.I got already pramoted? or should I pass the subjects and aquire sufficient credits and then i will get pramoted.
Later students can adding 2 credits for gender sensitisation lab
Sir what about R16
I have an dought that R16 that I have got 57 out of 58 is i am promoted to 3 rd year haa sir ???
is this information for lateral entry students only….???
What about R16 ?
2-2 sem also count
Please reply me….
I have lose the two academic years i am r15 student
I very struggled so much i nurvese and I am hate to my life to be going to decide to sucide is only for option
Please think about
detained students
Detained students don’t be imagine they not no talent can not be decide it time based on the issue but they are talented give me one choice we can prove it
Don’t spoil future detained students
Please conduct advance supply for students give life
Will the 2-2 credits considered along with 2-1
Jntu never ceases to amaze me how corrupted and leeching bastards someone can be , Destroying the future of its students , raising supply fees to the roof and now this ,….i really hate jntu and anything that will be related to it
den wt abt regular students??
when will be come 4-2 supply result please release soon
If student got 34 credits total & he got 12 credits in 2-1 is he promoted or not??
They should count the 2-2 sem also … Because they should not judge the students by seeing only one sem .. by seeing the full academic year they should detained …. But here they are kicking students by seeing only one sem!.? NOT Fair!