JNTUH Availment of Coursera’s online Courses until 31st July 2020
Sub: JNTUH, Hyderabad – Directorate of Academic & Planning – COVID-19 (Corona virus) – Closure of Professional Colleges in Telangana State – Availment of Coursera’s online Courses until July 31, 2020.
JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad): The Commissioner of Technical Education, Govt. of Telangana, Nampally, Hyderabad, stated that the Coursera is a reputed global online learning platform, offering 100% online Degrees and Certificates, in partnership with Yale University, Illinois University, Columbia University, ISB, IBM, INTEL etc.
All are aware for the present situation i.e. the spreading of COVID- 19 and the potential impact of the outbreak of the Pandemic, due to which Universities / Professional Colleges offering Courses in Engineering/ Pharmacy/MBA/MCA are closed down in Telangana State.
Under the circumstances stated above and in pursuance of advice of the Commissioner of Technical Education, the Vice-chancellor is pleased to inform all the Principals of all the Constituent and Affiliated Colleges offering Professional Courses in Engineering / Pharmacy / MBA / MCA in Telangana State to sign-up to Coursera (www.coursera.org), to provide their enrolled students with free access to more than 3,800 Courses and (400) Specializations from Coursera’s top University and Industry partners. These institutions will have free access until July 31, 2020, after which the Coursera plans to provide month-to-month extensions depending on prevailing risk assessments.
In view of the above, all the Principals of Constituent and Affiliated Colleges (Autonomous and Non Autonomous) of JNTUH are requested to sign-up to Coursera (www.coursera.org) to provide your enrolled students with free access to more than 3,800 Courses and (400) Specializations from Coursera’s top University and Industry partners.