JNTUH Postponement of B.Tech/B.Pharm 4-1, 3-1 supply sem exams scheduled on 25th, 27th August & Rescheduled

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JNTU Hyderabad/ JNTUH Exams Postponed on 25th, 27th August News: JNTUH Rescheduling of B.Tech/B.Pharm IV Year I Sem. supply and III Year I Sem supply University end semester exams scheduled on 25-08-2022 and 27- 08-2022 Intimation -Reg.

JNTUH Postponement of B.Tech/B.Pharm 4-1, 3-1 supply sem exams scheduled on 25th, 27th August & Rescheduled


This is to inform you that the  B.Tech. / B.Pharm. IV Year I Sem. supply and III Year I Sem Supply University end semester exams scheduled on 25-08-2022 and 27-09-2022 are re-scheduled  and  rescheduled dates are as given in below table. However, all remaining examinations will be conducted as per the schedule announced earlier.


S.NoCourse Year and  Semester   Original scheduled date of examsRe-Scheduled date of exams
1.B.Tech R16, R15, R13, R09 IV year I sem University Supply Exams IV-I B. Tech (R16) substitute subjects25-08-2022 FN (Thursday)         25-08-2022 AN (Thursday)
2.B.Tech R18, R16, R15, R13, R09 III year I sem University Supply Exams B. Tech (R18) substitute subjects27-08-2022 AN (Saturday)02-09-2022 AN ( Friday)
3.B. Pharm R17, R16, R15, R13, R09 III year I sem University Supply Exams27-08-2022 AN (Saturday)02-09-2022 AN ( Friday)

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  1. When you people are going to release 1-2 supply results which was held in june. There is no information regarding results please do release fast.


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