JNTUH How to Calculate SGPA & CGPA – JNTU Hyderabad Computation of Grade Point Averagae

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JNTUH How to Calculate SGPA & CGPA –  how to Get Marks from Grades, JNTU Hyderabad Computation of Semester Grade Point Averagae (SGPA) & Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

JNTUH How to Calculate SGPA & CGPA - JNTU Hyderabad Computation of Grade Point Averagae

JNTUH How to Calculate SGPA & CGPA – JNTU Hyderabad Computation of Grade Point Averagae

Grading procedure

Marks will be awarded to indicate the performance of student in each theory subject, laboratory / practicals, seminar, UG mini project and UG major project. Based on the percentage of marks obtained (Continuous Internal Evaluation plus Semester End Examination, both taken together) as specified in item 8 above, a corresponding letter grade shall be given.

As a measure of the performance of student, a 10-point absolute grading system using the following letter grades (as per UGC/AICTE guidelines) and corresponding percentage of marks shall be followed:

jntuh r16 grades


A student obtaining ‘F’ grade in any subject shall be deemed to have ‘failed’ and is required to reappear as a ‘supplementary student’ in the semester end examination, as and when offered. In such cases, internal marks in those subjects will remain the same as those obtained earlier.

A student who has not appeared for examination in any subject, ‘Ab’ grade will be allocated in that subject, and student shall be considered ‘failed’. Student will be required to reappear as a ‘supplementary student’ in the semester end examination, as and when offered.

A letter grade does not indicate any specific percentage of marks secured by the student, but it indicates only the range of percentage of marks.

A student earns grade point (GP) in each subject/ course, on the basis of the letter grade secured in that subject/ course. The corresponding ‘credit points’ (CP) are computed by multiplying the grade point with credits for that particular subject/ course.

Credit points (CP) = grade point (GP) x credits …. For a course

The student passes the subject/ course only when GP * 5 (‘C’ grade or above)

The semester grade point average (SGPA) is calculated by dividing the sum of credit points (ΣCP) secured from all subjects/ courses registered in a semester, by the total number of credits registered during that semester. SGPA is rounded off to two decimal places. SGPA is thus computed as

jntuh sgpa

where ‘i’ is the subject indicator index (takes into account all subjects in a semester), ‘N’ is the no. of subjects ‘registered’ for the semester (as specifically required and listed under the course structure of the parent department), C is the no. of credits allotted to the i th subject, and G represents the grade points (GP) corresponding to the letter grade awarded for that ith subject.

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is a measure of the overall cumulative performance of a student in all semesters considered for registration. The CGPA is the ratio of the total credit points secured by a student in all registered courses in all semesters, and the total number of credits registered in all the semesters. CGPA is rounded off to two decimal places. CGPA is thus computed from the I year II semester onwards at the end of each semester as per the formula.

jntuh cgpa

where ‘M’ is the total no. of subjects (as specifically required and listed under the course structure of the parent department) the student has ‘registered’ i.e., from the 1st semester onwards up to and inclusive of the 8 th semester, ‘j’ is the subject indicator index (takes into account all subjects from 1 to 8 semesters), C is the no. of credits allotted to the jth subject, and G represents the grade points (GP) corresponding to the letter grade awarded for that jth subject. After registration and completion of first year first semester, the SGPA of that semester itself may be taken as the CGPA, as there are no cumulative effects.

Illustration of calculation of SGPA

Illustration of calculation of CGPA

Illustration of calculation of CGPA

For merit ranking or comparison purposes or any other listing, only the ‘rounded off’ values of the CGPAs will be used.

For calculations listed in regulations SGPA to CGPA, performance in failed subjects/ courses (securing F grade) will also be taken into account, and the credits of such subjects/ courses will also be included in the multiplications and summations. After passing the failed subject(s) newly secured letter grades will be taken into account for calculation of SGPA and CGPA. However, mandatory courses will not be taken into consideration.

Passing standards

A student shall be declared successful or ‘passed’ in a semester, if student secures a GP ≥ 5 (‘C’ grade or above) in every subject/course in that semester (i.e. when student gets an SGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of that particular semester); and a student shall be declared successful or ‘passed’ in the entire under graduate programme, only when gets a CGPA ≥ 5.00 for the award of the degree as required.

After the completion of each semester, a grade card or grade sheet (or transcript) shall be issued to all the registered students of that semester, indicating the letter grades and credits earned. It will show the details of the courses registered (course code, title, no. of credits, and grade earned etc.), credits earned, SGPA, and CGPA.

Declaration of results

Computation of SGPA and CGPA are done using the procedure listed in SGPA to CGPA.

For final percentage of marks equivalent to the computed final CGPA, the following formula may be used.

% of Marks = (final CGPA – 0.5) x 10



  1. You had given a formula to calculate each year % . but for total btech % which formula we have to use?

  2. To know your percentage (%):_
    Step 1:- add your total grade points
    Step 2:- no.of subjects *10
    Step 3:- now divide
    Total grade points /no.of subjects *10
    step 4:-then multiply step 3 *100
    Step 5:- you will get your percentage.

    • For example :-
      My 1st semester total 4 labs and 4 external exam.

      In 4 labs each lab get A+ grade .That means A+=9 grade points.
      Therefore my 4 lab grade points is 4*9=36

      And my external exam got four ' A' grades .Then A=8 grade points. There fore my external grade points is 4*8= 32

      Now add external exam grade points +lab grade points

      Now :' 32+36=68
      …now my total subject 8
      (include lab)

      Now multiply no.of subjects * 10
      That is 8*10=80
      And finally
      68/80 =0.85

      Now 0.85*100 =85.0%. ..
      This is the way to calculate.

  3. How to claim concession of Pass marks for each subject by 10% as per the G.O. ms NO.152. dated 27-08-2007 for the handicapped persons how many grace marks may be added it mean by 10%please help me how to claim the concession of pass help me as iam doing MBA sem3


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