JNTUH Preponement of Supply Exams of I Year B.Tech & B.Pharmacy of the students of R15 Regulation
Sub: JNTUH, Hyderabad – Academic & planning – Preponement of Supplementary Examinations of I Year B.Tech and B. Pharmacy of the students of R15 Regulation.
This is to inform you that the Supplementary Examinations for the I Year B.Tech. and B. Pharmacy Students of R15 Regulations were advanced from 26.08.2016 to 10.09.2016 instead of 13.10.2016 to 26.10.2016 as per the Academic Calendar.
For the students of R07, R09 and R13 Regulations, the supplementary examinations will be held as per the Academic Calendar from 13.10.2016 to 26.10.2016.
In this connection, the Principals are requested to take necessary action for conducting the Supplementary examinations for the I Year of R15 Regulations and conduct the class work from 13.10.2016 to 26.10.2016. There is no change in the remaining academic calendar.
Officila Notification :
sir can i have any updates about 2-1 exams for r09 bacth