JNTUH Implementing Biometric Attendance For Faculty Members & PG Students From 1st November 2021
With reference to the Cir. No: JNTUH/BAS/2021, dated 09-09-2021, all the Affiliated Colleges are hereby reminded to make necessary arrangements on priority basis for activating the existing ABAS devices with the support of the empanelled vendors and instruct all the faculty members & PG Students to mark the daily attendance twice (i.e. morning and evening) in a day on all the working days from 01-11-2021 (Monday).
Further, the Colleges are informed to activate the end devices at the earliest. if not activated a fine Rs.20,000/- will be imposed per month and the University may initiate the punitive actions like Suspension / Withdrawal of Affiliation for existing programs or Rejection of Affiliation for ensuing Academic Year.
Please treat as most urgent and immediate action.