JNTUH The lists of candidates who got eligibility to apply for grace, credit exemption are sent to colleges

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JNTUH The lists of candidates who got eligibility to apply for grace, credit exemption are sent to colleges


The lists of candidates who got eligibility to apply for grace, credit exemption and credit exemption followed by grace are already sent to respective colleges. The students are requested to contact your college and apply on or before 17-02-2021 for speedy processing.


  1. Is there no chance to apply for exemption after 17th? Because I'm waiting for revaluation results of r16 4-1 .

  2. Dear sir
    I am MCA student R 13 from St Mary's College. I have one backlog paper previous exam paper I got 18 Mark's can I apply grace Mark's
    Please suggest me

  3. Need to confirm that this is applicable for R13 batch also right……If the person has 2 subjects left which are if 10 credits.so need a clarity from you so that we can apply as the last date is near.

    Appreciate if u reply it soon.

  4. Need to confirm that is this applicable for R13 batch students also who have two backlogs with 10 credits?

    Appreciate if u clarify soon as the dats is near to apply.


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