JNTUH The PC, CMM certificates are released for those students who got Eligibility for degree after B.Tech 4-1, 4-2 Supple Results

The PC, CMM certificates are ready for those students who got eligibility after recently declared B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 4-1 & 4-2 Semester Supplementary exam results. Marks memos are ready for pickup by colleges, You are informed to take necessary action to collect the same from University Exam Branch immediately with out fail. Students can collect the memos from your College Exam Branch after 3 to 4 days.
I got external 17 and internal 15
So can I be eligible for grace marks
I studied 1st yr and 2nd year R15 regulation, 3rd and 4th yr R16 regulation so how many credits should i leave for exemption?
I have got the external marks 30 and internal 3 Total marks is 33 can I eligible for the grace marks
Yes sure.. To get pass in any subject u need total- 40. But you got (3+30=33) u need 7 marks more to pass so u will definitely get 7 marks in external.
Internal 23 marks
External 17 marks
Can I add grace marks R15 batch
Bro you need to get 18 in external for R15 batch
Yes you are bro
R15 ki 9 grace marks add avvava sir
Max grace marks 8 for regular students
7for lateral entry students
2-1 cheyyara
2-1 will be released in this week