JNTUH Pharm D & Pharm D (PB) Exams to be held on 08-07-2016 are Postponed and Rescheduled


JNTUH Pharm D & Pharm D (PB) Exams to be held on 08-07-2016 are Postponed and Rescheduled

JNTUH Pharm D & Pharm D (PB) Exams to be held on 08-07-2016 are Postponed and Rescheduled

Sub: JNTUH  –  Exam Branch  – Postponement  and  Rescheduling of  Pharm D and Pharm D (PB) courses Examinations scheduled on 08-07-2016– Intimation -Reg.

It is here by informed that the Pharm D and Pharm D (PB) courses Examinations to be held on 08-07-2016 are postponed and rescheduled as mentioned bellow.

S.NoCourse and YearActual Scheduled Date of ExamRe-Scheduled Date of  Exam
1I Year Pharm.D08-07-2016 (AN)15/07/2016 (AN)
2IV Year Pharm.D08-07-2016 (FN)15/07/2016 (FN)
3I Year Pharm.D (PB)08-07-2016 (FN)15/07/2016 (FN)

Download the Official Notification Here : Click Here

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