JNTUH Postponement of University End Exams & Mid Exams Scheduled up to 30-01-2022 – Reg

In the reference (1) cited, the Government of Telangana extended holidays to all Educational Institutions till 30-01-2022. In the reference (2) cited, the Telangana State Council of Higher Education has instructed to all the Telangana state Universities Vice-Chancellors for postponement of examinations scheduled between 17-01-2022 to 30-01-2022.
In view of the above said circumstances, it is decided to postpone all the University end examinations (Theory and Practical Regular/Supplementary exams) scheduled up to 30-01-2022 including mid-term exams and will be rescheduled.
Further, all the University colleges, affiliated and affiliated autonomous colleges of the JNTUH are instructed not to conduct any examinations during the holidays declared by the Government of Telangana without taking prior permission from the University. Otherwise, the examinations will not be considered by the University.
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