JNTUH Postponement of UG & PG Regular and Supply Exams Scheduled on 19-10-2020 & 20-10-2020

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JNTUH Postponement of UG & PG Regular and Supply Exams Scheduled on 19-10-2020 & 20-10-2020


All the Principals of JNTUH constituent and affiliated colleges are informed to note that all the UG&PG regular and supplementary exams of JNTUH scheduled on 19th and 20th October, 2020 have been postponed due to forecast of heavy rains. The revised date of exams will be intimated later. However there is no change in the schedule of other exams. 

–Registrar JNTUH

Download the Official Notification Here

Also Check Here: JNTUH Exams Postponed on 21st & 22nd October


  1. Postpone the 21st exam too sirr..as we have issues regarding transports and road blockage…please look into it sir
    Thank you

  2. Plz sir postpone 21st and 22nd exam also we have to come from too long sir plz inform exams there are not there

  3. Please postpone 21st exam sir
    Because it is very long distance from dindi to nalgonda also rain effect please understand

  4. Sir postpone the 21st exam as well as we are far from hyd n we have to travel to hyd to write exam and conditions near my area are not well….please give us update about tomorrow exam

  5. Hi sir. What about the exam on 21st. We have a very long journey to do for attending exams. If you could please confirm as soon as possible it will be moore helpful.

  6. Please tell me how many exams
    are postponed just 19 th nd 20 th last time jntuh said 14 th 15 th exam are postponed this is not a game we are supply students please we want real information about exams

      • Will be postponed successfully because so many students are sticked to home to save their family and him/her self tooo so they definitely postponed the exams.The KTRKTS sabitha Reddy is posted that exams will be postponed till dasara holidays

  7. Sir we want mass promotion this is our last chance I'm from the batch r09 otherwise our carried will be spoiled sir please give us mass promotion.

  8. pls sir 13th exams postponed. because that day heavy rain fall sir. i am not attend exam sir.pls kindly conduct re exams that day.

  9. 13th date exam roju chaala mandhi miss ayyaru sir to reason for rain falling post pone chesthe before in 24hours cheyyandi sir chaala long nunchi vasthunnam sir approximately 70 km sir up to exam center

  10. Held in 13th date exam I can't attend sir because of full rain falling that's day sir to far sir my home to exam center

  11. Sir please inform before 24hours
    We are traveling from long distance try to understand our situation sir pls inform before 24hrs

  12. Sir Suddenly ga exam Postponed chesthe etla sir.edaina clarity ga cheppandi, once night lo exam etla postponed chestaru koncham alochinchandi sir

  13. Sir nti students tho adukuntunnara postpone cheyyali anukunte 48 hours mundu ga cheppali nthegaani 8 hours mundhu chepthe ela e corona tym lo hostels lo vunde ma lanti middle cls valla problems ardam chesko ra assala m anukuntunnar sir meeru


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