JNTUH Substitute subjects circular for 2020-21 I Sems of II, III & IV Yrs

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JNTUH Substitute subjects circular for 2020-21 I Sems of II, III & IV Yrs


The Principals of all Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUH are requested to furnish the complete details of readmitted students for substitute subjects for the subjects repeated in odd semesters (II-I, III-I and IV-I Semesters) for the academic year 2020-2021, on or before 12-10-2020 in the following format only.

JNTUH Substitute subjects circular for 2020-21 I Sems of II, III & IV Yrs


  1. NOW A FULL OF RAINS SOME PLACES CaMe Water FLoods They don't have Study facilities That why Take Right decision SiR


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