JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 (R13,R10,R07,R05) Sem Reg/Supply End Exam Time Tables Dec 2015

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JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 (R13,R10,R07,R05) Sem Reg/Supply End Exam Time Tables Dec 2015. Jntu kakinada I year I semester regular and supplementary examination time tables nov/dec 2015.JNTUK

JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 (R13,R10,R07,R05) Sem Reg/Supply End Exam Time Tables Dec 2015

JNTUK University Released the JNTUK 1-1 Semester Exam Time Tables for December 2015. Those who had Applied for the Semester Exams i.e Regular and Supplementary they are eligible to write the exams. JNTUK is Conducting these 1-1 sem exams for R13, R10, R07 and R05 Regulation Students. Check the JNTUK 1-1 Sem time tables below and download as well prepare well.

The Following examination time tables are released by JNTUK :

I B.Tech I Semester (R13) Regular/Supplementary Examination Time table November/December 2015

I B.Tech I Semester (R10) Supplementary Examination Time table November/December 2015

FIRST YEAR B.Tech (R07) Supplementary Examination Time table November/December 2015

FIRST YEAR B.Tech (R05) Supplementary Examination Time table November/December 2015

Important Date & Time :

Exams Starts: 30-11-2015

TIME: 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

Download JNTUK B.Tech 1-1 (R13, R10, R07,R05) Sem Exam Time Tables December 2015 From Below Links :

JNTUK 1-1 (R13) Semester  Time Tables Dec 2015

JNTUK 1-1 (R10) Semester  Time Tables Dec 2015

JNTUK 1-1 (R07) Semester  Time Tables Dec 2015

JNTUK 1-1 (R05) Semester  Time Tables Dec 2015


  1. Kindly help me with this I need my 1-1 December 2015 supply memo which is not available on online.My contact no 9059535003,7981911078.

  2. Sir, kindly help me. My name is pradeep.bollu,I was passed in the year 2015 from Newton’s institute of science and technology which is in Guntur district.sir I had completed my backlogs fulfledged and I haven’t received a memo of my last supply i.e. Dec M1(1-1) supply result of 2015.i searched in Google but the link is not their and a statement is reflecting saying that the concern supply memos sent to their respective colleges but our college executives and incharges are saying that they haven’t received that memo and I am willing to do masters now pls help me.It is liking my brain each and every moment from then.Kindly help me.my number is 7981911078,9059535003.And my roll number is 119H1A0403.


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