JNTUK 2-1 Question Papers 2019: JNTUK B.Tech 2-1 Sem (R16) Regular/Supply Exam Question Papers Oct/Nov 2019, jntu kakinada r16 regulation previous question papers latest, jntuk 2-1 Semester R16 question papers 2019.

JNTUK B.Tech 2-1 Sem (R16) Regular/Supply Question Papers Oct/Nov 2019
JNTU Kakinada B.Tech 2-1 Sem (R16) Regular/Supplementary Examination Question Papers Oct/Nov 2019 are uploaded. Students can download respective branch like Civil, ECE, EEE, CSE, Mechanical, IT question papers below.
JNTUK fast updates exclusively providing the previous questions papers for engineering students those who are studying in Jntu Kakinada university. All students wants question papers for preparing to B.tech and b.pharmacy exams. During Preparation they need reference of previous question papers. so, we have gathered from various colleges and providing these stuff to all the students. These previous papers are very useful for getting good marks in semester exams.
End Examinations B.Tech (R16) Question Paper Pattern :
- The end semester examination is conducted covering the topics of all Units for 70 marks. End Exam Paper.
- Part-A & Part-B put together gives for 70 marks.
- Part-A : 1st Question is mandatory covering all the syllabus which contains seven 2 marks questions for 14 marks with atleast 2 marks of question for each of the six units.
- Part-B : 4 Questions out of 6 Questions are to be answered with each carrying 14 marks .
The end semester examination is conducted covering the topics of all Units for 70 marks. End Exam Paper: Part-A 1st Question is mandatory covering all the syllabus which contains seven 2 marks questions for 14 marks with atleast 2 marks of question for each of the six units and in Part-B 4 Questions out of 6 Questions are to be answered with each carrying 14 marks. Part-A & Part-B put together gives for 70 marks.
JNTUK 2-1 R16 Question Papers Oct/Nov 2019
Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Building Materials and Construction
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Switching Theory and Logic Design
Random Variables and Stochastic Process
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Electrical Circuit Analysis-II
Thermal and Hydro Prime Movers
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Metallurgy & Materials Science
Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines
Computer aided Engineering Drawing Practice
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Jntu kakinada b-Tech r16 study material for civil engineer 2nd year
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