JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 Sem Academic Calendar For A.Y 2022-23 – Revised

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JNTUK 3-2 Academic Calendar For A.Y 2023: Jntu kakinada 3-1 sem academic calendar and Jntuk 3-2 sem academic calendar 2022-23.

JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 Sem Academic Calendar For A.Y 2022-23

JNTUK B.Tech 3-1, 3-2 Sem Academic Calendar For A.Y 2022-23

JNTU Kakinada has announced B.Tech 3rd Year 1st semester & 3rd Year 2nd semester Academic Calendar For Academic year 2022-23.

The proposed academic calendar for III Year I & II Semester B.Tech courses during the Acadamic year 2022-23 is detailed below:

Academic Calendar for III Year B.Tech for the A.Y 2022-23 (2020-21 Admitted Batch)

B.Tech/B.Pharmacy III Year II Semester Academic Calendar 2022-23 – REVISED

JNTUK Revised B.Tech 3-2 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2022-23 [For 2020-21 Admitted Batch]

Sir/Madam, Pls note the following changes of III B Tech II- Sem Revised Academic Calendar: Revised on 11-05-2023.

I Unit of Instructions09.01.202304.03.20238 Weeks
I Mid Examinations06.03.202311.03.20231 Week
II Unit of Instructions13.03.202306.05.20238 Weeks
II Mid Examinations01.05.202306.05.20231 Week
Summer Internship15.05.202324.06.20236 Weeks
Preparation and Practical’s26.06.202301.07.20231 Week
End Examinations03.07.202315.07.20232 Weeks
Commencement of IV-I Class Work17.07.2023

Note : The remaining summer internship can be done in online mode during IV B. Tech I semester class work .

Download JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 Sem Academic Calendar For A.Y 2022-23

B.Tech/B.Pharmacy III Year I Semester Academic Calendar 2022-23

  • Community Service Project : 15-07-2022 to 30-07-2022
  • I Unit of Instructions : 01-08-2022 to 24-09-2022
  • I Mid Examinations : 26-09-2022 to 01-10-2022
  • II Unit of Instructions : 03-10-2022 to 26-11-2022
  • II Mid Examinations : 28-11-2022 to 03-12-2022
  • Preparation & Practicals : 05-12-2022 to 10-12-2022
  • End Examinations : 12-12-2022 to 25-12-2022
  • Commencement of II Semester Class Work : 02-01-2023


  1. How can you just decide to conduct 2-2 , 1-2 , 3-2 at a time ? What do you think of yourself ? sir , we are humans not robots to write down supplies , regular together . Kindly change the time table for god sake .

  2. sir plz change the 3-2 sem time table after sem plz give the time internship plz sir plz plzzzzzzz change the time table

  3. please follow previous time table because end examination is crossing over GATE exam so please change it to the previous as it helpful for many gate aspirants


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