JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R13) Syllabus Books Download – All Branches

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JNTUK R13 3-1 syllabus: JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 sem syllabus books for R13 Regulation. JNTU Kakinada b.tech 3-1 sem r13 syllabus books for ece, eee, cse, civil, mech, it, auto mobile etc.

JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R13) Syllabus Books

JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 Sem (R13) Syllabus Books Download – All Branches

JNTU Kakinada B.Tech III Year I sem syllabus books for R13 Regulation are available now. JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 sem R13 Regulation syllabus books Download From Below Links: We are Providing All Branches Original jntuk 3-1 syllabus books.

The following branches syllabus books are updated.

jntuk 3-1 civil syllabus book

jntuk 3-1 cse syllabus book

jntuk 3-1 ece syllabus book

jntuk 3-1 eee syllabus book

jntuk 3-1 it syllabus book

jntuk 3-1 mech syllabus book are updated.

Remaining jntuk 3-1 syllabus are also update soon: Download JNTUK 3-1 syllabus books for R13 Regulation From Below Links.

Also Read : JNTUK B.Tech 3-2 sem syllabus books for R13 Regulation

Download From Below Links:

BranchDownload Links
Metllurgical  DOWNLOAD
Aeronautical Engineering  DOWNLOAD
Biotechnology  DOWNLOAD
Chemical Engineering  DOWNLOAD

JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 (R13) Syllabus Books

JNTUK 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for cse, JNTUk 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for ECE, JNTUK 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for EEE, JNTUK 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for CIVIL, JNTUK 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for MECH, JNTUK 3-1 R13 Syllabus books for IT, JNTUK 3rd year r13 2nd semester syllabus books and academic regulations download.



  1. sir it is very difficult to prepare for the exams with concepts instead of writing sem exams for every 6 months we are writing for every 3 months

  2. Sir, please 1-1 1st Mid of B.Pharmacy in r13 regulation Time table please update sir…………………

  3. plz…..sir revalution and recounting fees ….clg dwara kakunda bayata kattetattu cheyandi sir…..clogs lo money teskoni revolution and recounting pettatledu…..plz e reqst ni gamaninchandi sir…


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