JNTUK B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-1 Sem 1st Mid Exams Postponed & Rescheduled, JNTU Kakinada II B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I semester I mid Exams Postponed
JNTUK B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-1 Sem 1st Mid Exams Postponed & Rescheduled
Good News! Few Days Back JNTU Kakinada Released B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-1 Sem 1st Mid Examinations Scheduled. But Due Several Reasons JNTUK postponed B.Tech/B.Phar 2-1 Sem 1st Mid Exams, and Rescheduled dates are given below.
Sub: – JNTUK Examinations Branch – Postponed II B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I Sem I Mid Examinations – Intimated – Regarding.
The Principals of all the affiliated colleges are already informed that the II B.Tech / B.Pharmacy I Semester I Mid Examinations scheduled from 14.09.2015.
The above examinations are postponed and rescheduled from 21.09.2015 onwards. The Principals are informed to note the above change and communicate to all the students concerned.
Official Notification Published at JNTUK Official Website soon. Revised JNTUK 2-1 Sem 1st Mid Exams Time table release soon.
Comment’s on Postpone 2-1 sem 1st mid Exams – 35+ Members
Sir plz don't put exams parallel all 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 it is difficult to write supplies plz understand our problems final years plz understand
Sir please postpone mid for next month
2-1mid exams postpone next manth
Sir …….our syllabus was not completed….. So,plz postponed the mid exams to next month before dasara
No use of one week
Our 2-1 classes started on
10-08-15 (monday)
How can we complete the syllubs
So please kindly post pone it for the next month
hello sir.i am veda studying 2-1 . u postpone the 1st mid to 21st .in this day not completed the syllabus now complete half of the syllabus on 2nd unit. i thing on that day is complete the syllabus .but where is the time to prepare mid .who to attend the answer on 3rd unit who to read the bits .please tell me sir . sir u can extend the mid on 28th is better and comfort to prepare the students sir .
so,please extend to mid exams timetable on 28th sir .i am requesting sir .please help sir .
u can extend the time table send to me post to me sir .
thank Q sir.
Sir our syllabus was not completed…. till half of the syllabus was only completed…
So please post pone our mid exams to next month kindly accept our request…
Thanking you sir…
plz postponed form mid
sir plese postpone exams in one month syllabus was not yet completed
Sir plz send me notificationss plzz
we can tellus about postpone fori before dasara holidays
plz postpone lt
sir,tell that cani accepeted for postpone in next month
ican accept tofor sucide plz postppone it next month
oh my god please postpone for next month
Sir please send us your schedule of the r07 supplementary information
sir starts from 2nd year startr start from one month please postpone for mid date