JNTUK B.Tech R20 Academic Regulations For Autonomous Colleges
1. Award of B. Tech. Degree
(a) A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfils the following academic regulations:
(i) A student shall be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech Degree, if he pursues a course of study in not less than four and not more than eight academic years. After eight academic years from the year of their admission, he/she shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission stands cancelled.
(ii) The candidate shall register for 160 credits and secure all the 160 credits.
(b) The medium of instruction for the entire under graduate programme in Engineering & Technology will be in English only.
2. Programme Pattern:
a) Total duration of the of B. Tech (Regular) Programme is four academic years
b) Each Academic year of study is divided into Two Semesters.
c) Minimum number of instruction days in each semester is 90. d) Grade points, based on percentage of marks awarded for each course will form the basis for calculation of SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).
e) The total credits for the Programme is 160.
f) Three week induction program is mandatory for all first year UG students and shall be conducted as per AICTE/UGC/APSCHE guidelines. g) Student is introduced to “Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)”.
h) A pool of interdisciplinary and job-oriented mandatory skill courses which are relevant to the industry are integrated into the curriculum of concerned branch of engineering (total five skill courses: two basic level skill courses, one on soft skills and other two on advanced level skill courses)
i) A student has to register for all courses in a semester.
j) All the registered credits will be considered for the calculation of final CGPA.
k) Each semester has – ‘Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)’ and ‘Semester End Examination (SEE)’. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Credit Based Semester System (CBSS) as indicated by UGC and course structure as suggested by AICTE are followed.
l) A 10 months industry/field mandatory internship, both industry and social, during the summer vacation and also in the final semester to acquire the skills required for job and make engineering graduates to connect with the needs of the industry and society at large.
m) All the students shall be mandatorily registered for NCC, NSS activities and Community Service Project as per the Government and University norms.
n) Each college shall assign a faculty advisor/mentor after admission to each student or group of students from same department to provide guidance in courses registration/career growth/ placements/opportunities for higher studies/GATE/other competitive exams etc.
3. Registration for Courses:
a) In each semester a student shall mandatorily register courses which he/she wishes to pursue within a week from the starting of the class work with the advice of Head of the Department and mentor of the student of the concerned department of the college.
b) If any student wishes to withdraw the registration of the course, he/she shall submit a letter to the Principal of the college through the Head of the Department and mentor within fifteen days.
c) The concerned college shall thoroughly verify and upload the data/courses registered by each student in the university examination center within 20 days. The Principal of the concerned college shall ensure that there no wrong registration courses by the student. The university registration portal will be closed after 20 days.
(a) Award of B. Tech. Degree: A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations:
i. A student shall be declared eligible for award of the B. Tech Degree, if he pursues a course of study in not less than four and not more than eight academic years. After eight academic years from the year of their admission, he/she shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech course and their admission stands cancelled.
ii. The student shall register for 160 credits and must secure all the 160 credits.
iii. All students shall mandatorily register for the courses like Environmental Sciences, Universal Human Values, Ethics, Indian Constitution, Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge etc., shall be included in the curriculum as non-credit mandatory courses. Environmental Sciences is to be offered compulsorily as mandatory course for all branches. A student has to secure at least 40% of the marks allotted in the internal evaluation for passing the course and shall maintain 75% of attendance in the subject.
iv. All students shall mandatorily register for NCC/NSS activities and will be required to participate in an activity specified by NSS officer during second and third semesters. Grade shall be awarded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory in the mark sheet on the basis of participation, attendance, performance and behavior. If a student gets an unsatisfactory Grade, he/she shall repeat the above activity in the subsequent years, in order to complete the degree requirements. v. Credits are defined as per AICTE norms.
(b) Award of B. Tech. (Honor)/B. Tech. (Minor): B. Tech. with Honors or a B. Tech. with a Minor will be awarded if the student earns 20 additional credits are acquired as per the regulations/guidelines. The regulations/guidelines are separately provided. Registering for an Honors/Minor is optional.
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