JNTUK Certificate Verification/Genuinity Certificate: This Service is intended for verification of genuinity of the JNTUK issued certificates uploaded by the requested user. By Using this service requested user can check Genuinity of PC, CMM, OD, Marks Memos, MG Cerificates.
JNTUK Certificate Verification/Genuinity Certificate – Apply Online @ jntuksdc.co.in
- This facility is extended to verify the Genuinity of Documents to Universities, Organisations, Third party agencies and Individuals on payment basis.
- Click on New Registration link to apply online verification for new users.
- This Service is currently limited to Indian National Rupee only.
- Hall Ticket number is mandatory to avail this service.
- For any queries, you can call to 0884-2300942
The fee for the verification of certificates for foreign verification agencies is increased to Rs 2000 and for domestic verifications is increased to Rs 1000. Fee once paid aganist a candidate cannot be exchanged, cancelled or refunded.
How to Apply For JNTUK Certificate Verification/Genuinity Certificate
1. Visit the JNTUK Exams Portal; https:/jntuksdc.co.in
2. Click on “New Registration” button at right top corner and Enter the required details (User name, password, mail id, mobile number, Employee Name/Company Name and address)
3. Login by using User name and password.
4. Click on “Click here to Submit a Application..” button and fill the required details
5. Pay Verification fee Rs 1000/2000 and Finally click on the Submit for verification.
6. You can also check your Application Status by click on ” Check Status ” button
What is Student hired By? I’m filling this for SAQA certificate.
How may days for genuinity of certificate precessed, reply please
Thank you in advance
Respected sir, I am Rayapureddy Vijaya Babu my Register No, 16MC5A0311 (Readmitted R13 to R16)I has been applied PC
dates for 9th convocation, please