JNTUK Clarification of B.Tech/ B.Pharmacy 3-2, 1-2, 2-2 Supply Exams, Jntuk Clarified for the Upcoming Supply Exam Centers those who have Same day Exams and Etc. Check all the Information Below.
JNTUK Clarification of B.Tech/ B.Pharmacy 3-2, 1-2, 2-2 Supply Exams :
Sub: JNTUK – Examination Branch – Clarification for the forthcoming supplementary examinations of B.Tech/B.Pharmacy – Regarding.
The Principals of the affiliated colleges are hereby informed that the III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy II Semester Supplementary Examinations are to be scheduled to commence from 07.12.2015 onwards.
In this connection, it is observed that the I B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I Semester Regular/Supplementary and III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy II Semester Supplementary Examinations dates are overlapping. Under the circumstances stated above, III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy II Semester Supplementary Examinations shall be conducted in Jumbling system.
Further, the University wishes to conduct the forthcoming examinations of II B.Tech/B. Pharmacy II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech/B.Pharmacy II Semester Supplementary in Clustering system.
The Principals of the all affiliated colleges are herewith requested to kindly cooperate for the smooth conduct of the above examinations
2-2 exam time table plz……….
please tell the 1-2 supply exam time table………………………………
So clustering system applied.
Then what about 4-1 labs how can we write those if we have exams in those days
hello suraj. did you understand what means clustering system? am not!! please can you explain it to me.
because of jumbling pass percentage of students is less
please remove jumbling
because of jumbling pass percentage of students is very less so please remove jumbling
sir 3-2 supply subjects are follows 4 set questions paper or 1 set question paper plz reply
Because of jumbling system we r facing the problem… 3-2 supply sem start on 7-12-15 and we have 4-1 lab on that day so I can attend only one exam..!!!many of the students are facing this problem..
sir velution easy ga chaindiii……. pizzz i have lot off back logs
clustering means
clustering means
We required 2-2 1st exam on 19-12-2015 plz plz
Start 2-2- on 19-12-2015
Can we have 2-2 on satday 19 (19-13-2015)
We need 2-2 1st exam on 19-12-2015
Plz start 2-2 on 19-12-2015
Clustering means
sir you written 21-12-2012 (2-2) supply exam time sir
sir we want timetable for 2-2supply exams
When was 1-2 supply exams can you please inform me about it
please give the clear information
when 2-2 r13 regulation supply exam started
21-12-2012 ( 2-2 supply exams)
Sir,1- 2 R13 SUPPLY results already vachi kani subject fail revaluation peraledhu marichipoya revaluation pedithe subject pass avutha sir am cheyali Sir ippudu??