JNTUK Commenceme nt of Class work for M.Tech & M.Pharmacy for the Academic Year 2016-17
Sub: JNTUK-DAP-Commencement of Class work for M.Tech & M.Pharmacy for the Academic Year 2016-17
The Principals of all Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK Kakinada, are hereby informed that the class work for M.Tech & M.Pharmacy for the Academic Year 2016-17 will be commenced from 29-07-2016.
Download the Official notification at : www.jntuk.edu.in
sir when m.pharmacy project submits
sir when does 1m.pharmacy 1 sem results comes.
When the Mtech 1yr 1sem results will be realised?
M.Tech 1-1 r13 results feb2016 release?
please 2_2 r10 results ….release ….
sir please release 1 St sem results…. r13 regulation
Sir please release 1-2 r10 results