JNTUK Commencement of B.Tech 1-1 Sem Class work From 06-01-2021 For A.Y 2020-21
The class work for I B.Tech I semester will commerce from 06.01.2021 for the Academic Year 2020-21.
In this connection, all the Principals of Constituent and Affiliated (Autonomous and Non Autonomous) Colleges are informed to take necessary Steps for commencement of I B. Tech class work from 06.01.2021.
The University Academic Calendar is herewith enclosed.
Academic Calendar and Guidelines for the Commencement of Academic Year 2020 —21 for Engineering and Pharma Programmes
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to commence the class work for all Engineering and Pharma Programmes in the state on January 2021 for the first semester of all the students admitted for the academic year 2020-21. The universities and colleges are directed to take neæssary measures to start the academic activity accordingly.
The Universities and Colleges have to closely analyze the prevailing conditions, resources, support services and infrastructure and take appropriate decisions following the guidelines and standard operating procedures formulated by APSCHE to start academic programmes effectively.