JNTUK Guidelines For Transfer of Students from One College to Another College

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JNTUK Guidelines For Transfer of Students from One College to Another College

JNTUK B.Pharmacy 4-2 (R10,R07) Regular/ Supply Results April 2016

Sub: JNTUK— DAP — Transfer of Students from one college to another college — Registering of additional subjects

With regards to transfer of students/re-registration, all the principals are hereby informed to follow the rules and regulations put forth by the University in accordance with the G.O’s. It is herewith attached the circular dated 03.07.2015 for your perusal and implement scrupulously.

The Principals of affiliated colleges who have admitted the students from other colleges (Autonomous Colleges and other Universities) shall implement the following guidelines While registering for additional subjects.

  1. The substitute subjects and additional subjects shall be as per the transfer order 7 given by the Government.
  2. A student can only register for a Maximum of two subjects ofi‘ered during that semester in addition to the regular subjects of the semester.
  3. The student shall register for the additional subjects within one week from the start of the semester.
  4. The Principal shall send the information regarding the re- registration to DAP and DB within 15 days from the start of the semester.

Download the Official Notification Here – Click Here


  1. Sir I'm studying B pharmacy 1st year in NOVA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY VEGAVARAM JANGAREDDYGUDEM which is affiliated with JNTUK sir here gives reg no: 16T71R0034. And i transferred NOVA COLLEGE OF PHARMACUETICAL EDUCATION AND REASERCH IBRAHIMPATNAM JUPUDI here give another reg no like 16DR1R0092 For that reason I have backlogs in 1st year what can I do please suggest how to solve my problem

    • Sir, I'm studying B.pharmacy 1st year in sarojini Naidu vanitha pharmacy Mahavidhyalaya,Hyderabad which is affiliated to Osmania university sir. Now I want to change my college which is (Autonomous) comes under JNTUH. Can I change my college from one university to another. Is it possible, please suggest me how to solve my problem sir.

  2. Sir, I am studying Vishnu Institute Of technology 1st mech in Bhimavaram run under by the jntuk can change to pragathi college in Rajamundry which was run under by the same jntuk is it possible please reply

  3. Iam studying in sidddarth institute of engineering and technology affiliated to jntua of first year ece Branch want to change for second year to mits Madanpalli affiliated to jntua

  4. Hi sir
    Now I'm final year student
    I want to change same college another branch in another city…
    It is possible to change in final year.???

  5. Hello sir,

    I am studying in a college which is affliated to jntu kakinada… I completed my first year in mechanical.. Now i want to change my branch to ECE… Is is possible?..
    My college name is aditya institute of technology and management…

  6. Sir,iam studying btech 1st year i want get transfer to another college can you say about fee rebesment is continues or not and now i want apply for transfer

  7. Respected sir,
    Now i am in 2-2 but i missed to pay my semester examination fee due to some reasons.my hod is saying that i won’t get scholarship from the government and also I won’t promote to the 3 year.is it true?

  8. Sir now I completed my 2-1 sir now in the middle of the year can i change my college……

  9. Respected sir,
    I’m studying 1st year mechanical branch in college which is affiliated to JNTUK. Now I’m middle of the academic year. Is there any chance to change college( autonomous).
    Procedure please??

    • respected sir….i am studying btech 2nd year from diploma…i want to change my college which is affiliated to jntu…is their chance to change college…

  10. Sir, iam studing b.tech first year in the stream of cse but i want to change my branch after the completion of my first year . is it possible in jntuk recognised institutes

    • Sir i am studying in b tech 2nd can changed my because of no fecilutys in my college so how to transfer proces in another college plase instruction sir

  11. Sir iam studying btech 1st year pbrvits college how to change anthor clg after 1st year tell me sir please

  12. Sir,I got MBA in vignan institute I want to change my college to vignan women’s still not started 1st yr is it possible

  13. Sir,Iam studying MBA in Jntuk affiliated college in Vijayawada.completed my 1st year.is it possible to change from Jntuk to jntuh as iam staying in hyd n under treatment


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