JNTUK Internal/External Examinations scheduled on 25.09.2015 are postponed, jntu kakinada postponed all the university examination scheduled on 25th September due to BAKRID festival.
JNTUK Internal/External Examinations scheduled on 25.09.2015 are postponed
Sub: JNTUK, Examinations Branch –Postponement of Examinations – Intimation – Regarding
The Government has declared BAKRID holiday on 25.09.2015 instead of 24.09.2015.
The University Internal/External Examinations scheduled on 25.09.2015 are postponed. The examinations are rescheduled to the following dates with same timings as given below.
Course & Semester | Scheduled date of examination | Reschedule date after postponed |
II B.Tech I Semester (R13) I Mid Examinations | 25.09.2015 (Friday) | 29.09.2015 (Tuesday) |
II B.Pharmacy I Semester (R13) I Mid Examinations | 25.09.2015 (Friday) | 28.09.2015 (Monday) |
III B.Tech I Semester (R13) I Mid Examination of Electronics and Computer Engineering only | 25.09.2015 (Friday) | 28.09.2015 (Monday) |
III B.Tech (CCC) Supplementary Examinations | 25.09.2015 (Friday) | 20.10.2015 (Tuesday) |
All the Principals of the constituent/affiliated colleges are hereby informed to note the same and communicate to students concerned.
For More Details Visit JNTUK Official web site : www.jntuk.edu.in.
I want external lab schedule for 1-1 jntuk 2015 admitted students
sir please put date external exam 1-1
Sir we r feeling difficult with different sets so please please give us one set
Sir could you please send my internal and external marks list for all subjects with labs of 2-1semister,r13tegulation with roll:14hq5a0404
Sir could u please send me results link of 2-2,4-2,3-2(r10) augest results
I have kiendly requested to jntuk board
Please release 3-1 examination time table
Sir plz release 1-2 results plz sir