JNTUK IPR & Patents (IPRP) subject is treated as theory subject

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JNTUK IPR & Patents (IPRP) subject is treated as theory subject, jntu kakinada given Clarification on IPR & Patents subject, conduct of Mid Exams in 3rd B.Tech Regular Students


JNTUK IPR & Patents (IPRP) subject is treated as theory subject

JNTUK Clarification of IPR & Patents subject – conduct of Mid Examination in 3rd B.Tech Regular Students

Sub: JNTUK – Examination Branch – Clarification of IPR & Patents subject and conduct of Mid Examination in III B.Tech Regular Students – Regarding.

Ref: Lr.No. DAP/Syllabus modified/CSE & IT/2015, dated: 09.09.2015

With reference cited above, all the Principals of affiliated colleges of JNTUK are hereby informed that the IPR & Patents (IPRP) subject is treated as theory subject and follow the instructions given below.

i. The subject exam pattern is Internal – 30 marks (Descriptive – 15, Online – 10 & Assignment – 5) and External – 70 Marks

ii. The subject comes under III B.Tech I Semester for CE (01), EEE (02), ME (03), ECE (04), EIE (10), EComE (19), Bio-Tech (23), Aero E (21), AME (24), MinE (26) and Agri E (35) branches. The same subject comes under III B.Tech II Semester for CSE (05), IT (12), PE (27), Chem E (08) branches.

iii. III B.Tech I Semester I Mid Examination (IPR & Patents Subject) is required to conduct at college level on 03.10.2015 (Descriptive – 15 marks and Objective – 10 marks for I Mid Examinations only). However II Mid examinations for the same subject is as usual along with remaining regular subjects as per schedule.

iv. The internal marks pertaining to III B.Tech I Semester has to be uploaded including
IPR & Patents Subject on or before 09.10.2015.

Visit & Download Official Notification at www.jntuk.edu.in


  1. Dear sir
    How will get the syllabus of IPR & Patent subject ? Please give the information about IPRP subject.

  2. Comment:
    If ipr&p is treated as a subject then 3credits for subject but you are gave 2 credits at mechanical engg., syllabus book
    what will do sir


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