JNTUK Last date to Apply for VI Convocation OD is extended to 30-12-2017 (PhD candidates only)

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JNTUK Last date to Apply for VI Convocation OD is extended to 30-12-2017 (PhD candidates only)

As per the directions of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, PhD candidates who have been / will be issued Provisional Certificate on or before 30-12-2017 are permitted to apply for VI Convocation Original Degree (OD) on or before 30-12-2017 (Saturday).

Further, the PhD candidates who desire to be awarded degree in the Convocation have to submit letter of willingness directly to the Director of Evaluation on or before 30- 12-2017. The form of willingness is available on the website.

For any quarry, convocation@jntuk.edu.in may be contacted.


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