JNTUK Pending OD’S List Applied through ONLINE till on 16-01-2017

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JNTUK Pending OD’S List Applied through ONLINE till on 16-01-2017. The list of students given below have applied for original degree certificates through Online process (Daily wise/V Convocation).

JNTUK Pending OD’S List Applied through ONLINE till on 16-01-2017

JNTUK Pending OD’S List Applied through ONLINE till on 16-01-2017

But due to certain problems like a) Student, father name wrongly printed on provisional Certificate (verify with SSC) b) Scanned copies like (SSC, Photo, Provisional Certificate, CMM) are not uploaded properly. So, the original degree could not issue.

So, the students are requested to submit the following documents at University Examination Section from 17-01-2017 to 30-01-2017 otherwise the application is kept in hold it will not process further.

1) Application form filled by the candidate

2) Xerox copy of SSC Certificate

3) Xerox copy of Provisional Certificate

4) Xerox copy of Consolidated Marks memo (only for B. Tech/B. Pharmacy Courses)

5) Xerox copies of all years mark memos

6) Latest passport size photo(it will be printed on original certificate)

7) Xerox copy of Online Payment form(it must contain Bank refno, payment date, amount)

Click Here to Download Here Pending list of Students | Link-2


    • students are submit the following documents at University Examination Section
      from 17-01-2017 to 30-01-2017

      • Is there any chance to apply for grace mark option for 2016 passed out batch…If it is..Tell me the validation also


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